Australian National University (ANU), Canberra

Research Cooperative
22/04/18 02:08:34PM

The ANU is a large university with many different schools and institutes that cover most areas of research and higher education.

As a result, the university must provide guidance on research ethics with different levels of generality and specificity. It does this through a central online "Policy Library". To give an indication of the scope of this library, I have selected a few links and explanatory notes below:

Policy on Responsible Conduct of Research  - a general outline of "high-level principles" that all ANU researchers are expected to follow.

Code of Research Conduct - the Code " outlines a set of responsibilities for ANU researchers (staff, students, visitors) to foster and maintain a research environment of intellectual honesty, integrity, and scholarly and scientific rigour." This is  derived from the  Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.

Policy on Intellectual Property principles of ownership, licensing, management, commercialisation and use of IP created by University staff, students, emeritus and honorary appointees, visitors and visiting fellows.

Of particular interest for The Research Cooperative, in the Policy on Intellectual Property, is the defiinition of "Scholarly works": 

"Scholarly  works  means copyright works that are intended for academic publication (for example, any article, book, manuscript, or manual) and have been peer reviewed, regardless of format (for example, printed, digital or electronic versions) created by staff, students, emeritus or honorary appointee, visitor, or visiting fellow, but excludes education materials."

The university does not claim ownership of copyright for such scholarly works, but asks their creators to:

"... grant to the University a perpetual, world-wide, fee free, royalty free, unrestricted, non-exclusive licence (including the right to sub-license) to use such works for the University’s teaching, educational and research purposes. (...subject to any overriding contractual obligations the creator owes to third parties -- for example, a publisher of a textbook or journal article)."