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Location: Australia
Work interests: Academic editing
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Favourite publications: The New Yorker, London Review of Books
Work interests: Academic editing
Preferred contact method: Any
Preferred contact language(s): English
Favourite publications: The New Yorker, London Review of Books
Academic editing
This is a link to a short article I wrote earlier this week for the newsletter of the (NSW) University of Newcastle's postgraduate students' newsletter on what an academic editor can and may (not necessarily the same thing) do for your academic document:
Clashing style guidelines for different science publications? They need to agree on similar ones in their own interests, surely. Good luck!
Hi Jo,
Thanks for the post. I had a look at the linked article.
Perhaps one of the most obvious things that authors can do, and can forget to do, is to look at the author guidelines published by a target journal - before getting too far into writing something.
The author guidelines often give advice that indicates whether or not a particular article style or content is going to be acceptable for the journal editors.
Writing and rewriting is itself a form of continuous editing, or creative destruction, and it helps to start with a clear goal in terms of style and content. The author guidelines can help a lot by defining the structure and style needed for a paper, and the kinds of content that a journal is looking for.
I entirely agree - and then the author has to remember to give the same style guide, whether from a journal or university faculty, depending on the type of document, to his or her editor. (Usually, though, an academic editor will prompt its appearance if the author forgets.)
I recently sent my chosen editor the author guidelines for a "report" to be published by "Science" together with the guidelines for "Science Reports", a publication of Nature. He picked up my confusion immediately.
The whole episode does not bode well for my chance of getting the report published!