Our group has 87 members - can anyone help to support the group, please?

Research Cooperative
14/04/11 10:19:12PM

Thanks for reading this message...

Our Translators group needs one or more volunteers for the following roles:

- Administrator to deal with basic technical matters and enquiries,

- Moderator to greet new members, encourage questions and responses, and help deal with any misunderstandings that might arise (our site is not controversial, so problems are not expected), and

- Promoter to help promote the group among other members of the Research Cooperative, and among potentially interested parties outside our network also.

Of course, all existing members, and both the Administrator and the Moderator are also encouraged to help promote the group, among other members of the Research Cooperative, and outside our network.

As network creator, my role is to maintain contact with our group supporters, and to explain how the aims of the Research Cooperative can be achieved through development and management of our Translators group.

Volunteers will be invited to join our Administration support group where they can learn from our shared experiences of developing, maintaining, and promoting the Research Cooperative network.

Thanks again, if you have reached the end of this message!

Best regards, Peter (Admin., Kyoto)
Research Cooperative
15/04/11 09:00:37PM @chief-admin:

Dear Alexandr,

Thanks for asking...

Until now, there has been little visible activity on this or any other of our groups. This does not mean there is no activity, because I have no way of tracking the private communications between members of a particular group.

It is not the aim of our network to compete with other activities and websites for a member's time and attention. Our aim is to facilitate the creation of useful contacts that can then develop independently into working relationships of various sorts. This and every other group has the role of providing people with shared interests another way to find each other.

We need a little engagement from our members, but not much.

Even if you accept all three roles, of administration, moderation, and promotion, the work will only be as much or as little as suits your interest and time.

From any volunteer, I cannot ask for more.

By default, I am the administrator of every group created on this network, so my attention is spread very thinly. It is very useful for me to have someone who can respond to questions and issues that might arise over time, and with whom I can freely discuss the progress of the group. If you accept, one or more roles, I can use the back-end controls of our network to give administrative control of the group, alongside the control that I enjoy as creator of the entire network.

Best regards, Peter

Alexandr Vorobyov
15/04/11 02:05:34AM @alexandr-vorobyov:
What must be done? Can I manage with this work, that is the question.Alexandr