All the Science That is Fit to Blog: An Analysis of Science Blogging Practices

Research Cooperative
22/08/15 10:23:05AM

This is the title of a recent PhD thesis of by Paige Brown Jarreau, at Louisiana State University. The thesis is based on in depth interviews with 50 science bloggers and an extensive survey of more than 600 science bloggers. The author focuses on factors that determine the content of science blogs. His thesis can be downloaded as a pdf here:


This is recent work. In February this year, I cross-posted Jarreau's request for participation in the larger survey. By that time, he had received about 450 responses:

See: survey-for-science-writers-and-communicators-cross-posting

Research Cooperative
22/08/15 10:32:51PM @chief-admin:

I hope that's not true!

I'm in the middle of trying to get a paper ready for a publication with the main result of all my work since 1987.

I haven't achieved certainty, but do feel that I have gone from one kind of uncertainty to another, which may count as scientific progress.
