Portuguese/Spanish to English translations, especially in the sciences

7 years ago
1 posts

I am an ecologist/ornithologist with 20 years experience translating from both Portuguese and Spanish to English. I teach statistics and scientific writing (in addition to ecology - related topics) and so when translating, I also automatically do a thorough review of the manuscript. I work closely with the writer to insure that the details are good and make sense and will be publishable. I never use a computer or software to translate, and so the flow of the text follows the American English, scientific style. Get in touch for more information. Feel free to write in any of the three languages, especially if you'd like to test my skills!



James J. Roper, Ph.D.

In Brazil, I can emit a "nota fiscal" and be paid by bank transfer, elsewhere, through Pay Pal. Contact me for more information.



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