Biomedical/surgical illustrator

David R. Purnell, MA, AMI
David R. Purnell, MA, AMI
15 years ago
6 posts

I am David R. Purnell, M.A., and do business as NEW YORK WEST Medical Illustration Studio. If you are in need of an illustration(s) for your project, I'm available to assist you.

I have 44 years of experience as a biomedical, scientific and surgical illustrator. My assets include artistic proficiency, intelligence, curiosity, knowledge and good verbal communication skills. I am a good graphics-problem solver.

If you were to solicit me for a project, I would listen to your expressed needs, offer suggestions, and turn your ideas into images that are informative, coherent and visually easily-accessible.

I create 2D and 3D digital illustrations and animations.

Past institutional affiliations:

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine [MA degree] – (Baltimore, Maryland, USA)

Baylor College of Medicine – (Houston, Texas, USA)

Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (New York, New York, USA) – staff surgical/medical illusrator for 19 years

If you wish to learn more, please see my bio and sample illustrations:

To read a description of my approach to working with clients, go to . . .
. . . and read the section, "Question and answer"

David R. Purnell, MA, AMI
Owner, NEW YORK WEST Medical Illustration Studio

updated by @david-r-purnell-ma-ami: 23/05/18 04:00:46AM


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