Seeking help for proof-editing in the field of environmental social science

Arthur Saniotis
Arthur Saniotis
13 years ago
1 posts

Dear Dr. Kopnina,

I will be happy ot proof read your interesting article. I am a social anthropologist and university editor who has written on ecology. I am impressed by your writing and would like to further correspond with you. If you are happy for me to proof read your article please contact me.

Kind Regards

Dr. Arthur Saniotis

University of Adelaide

Helen Kopnina
Helen Kopnina
13 years ago
4 posts

I am seeking help for proof-editing a short article (4800) in the field of environmental social science. The article aims to examine the concept of biodiversity through contesting discourses of sustainability and to examine implications of these conceptions for environmental protection.

To see my personal webpage and for indication of style and scope of the article, you can see my other publications on

updated by @helen-kopnina: 02/06/16 07:57:43PM


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