Biomed News - Machine learning tool to identify papers of interest in PubMed - looking for topic experts

Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
4 years ago
226 posts

Thanks. Jamroom was originally set up to help musicians distribute their music; it still does this, so is still strong on offering ways to distribute sound and video files. As a Jamroom user (developing the Research Cooperative network), I've contributed feedback for improvements in how it handles text, and the JR team have made (and continue to make) improvements.

However, it is not a purpose-built text publishing platform like those developed for open access journals. But.. pdf documents, blogs and so on can all be uploaded, tagged, indexed and so on. JR has a core system module and then many optional add on modules that work with it. If I had a team of developers, I could then modify the css templates to jazz up our network - but I don't. So my policy has been to customize as little as possible, so that updates and improvements made by JR can simply be accepted and used without any further work on my side (I am a full-time researcher with no training in computer coding).

If you can tell me what might be useful for you, then I can consider if it is easy enough for me to implement with the JR modules that I am currently using.

For example, I can give you the ability to make a separate profile for your project, and test that as a vehicle for the project.


Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Gavin McStay
Gavin McStay
4 years ago
2 posts

Thank you Peter,

not a problem. I'm not sure what Jamroom offers and I am not a developer in any sense.  What types of features does Jamroom have that you think may be useful.


Research Cooperative
Research Cooperative
4 years ago
226 posts

RE: Biomed News

Hi Gavin,

Thanks for joining.

Sorry for the deleted URL - that's signup security feature that I generally have on. It's possible that the Research Cooperative network, host and server system (all at Jamroom) could be useful for you, perhaps initially as a test. Please discuss with me if this is of interest. The features that you see in the Research Cooperative employ just a limited part of the capacity of Jamroom, which is highly flexible and extensible but needs technically skilled developers to exploit fully.

Best regards, Peter (Admin., Kyoto)

Peter J. Matthews, Chief Admin.,
The Research Cooperative,
Auckland & Kyoto.

Contact: researchcooperative [at] gmail [dot] com
Gavin McStay
Gavin McStay
4 years ago
2 posts
(Offsite URL Removed)

Biomed News—or “bims” for short—is an emerging service for the dissemination of new research papers as they appear in PubMed.
Bims is organized as a series of topic-specific reports. Each report is curated by a selector.
Each week we make new PubMed papers available to selectors. Each selector decides what papers go into the report. That takes about ten minutes.
We continue to recruit selectors to open reports. When you become a selector, you will quickly realize that our machine-learning based relevance order is more flexible and more precise than PubMed searches.

Follow us on twitter @biomednew


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