Elena Shishkina

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Location: Russia, Chelyabinsk
Work: biophysics, radiation dopsimetry, radioecology
Favourite Publications: N B Shagina, M I Vorobiova, M O Degteva, L M Peremyslova, E A Shishkina, L R Anspaugh, B A Napier. Reconstruction of the contamination of the Techa River in 1949-1951 as a result of releases from the "MAYAK" Production Association.Radiat Environ Biophys. Nov2012, Vol. 51 Issue 4, p349 E.A. Shishkina. Performance parameters and uncertainty of the method for assessment of Sr-90 concentration in small powder samples using alpha-Al2O3:C beta detectors. Radiat Meas 47(1):8 (2012) E I Tolstykh, M O Degteva, L M Peremyslova, N B Shagina, E A Shishkina, V A Krivoshchapov, L R Anspaugh, B A Napier. Reconstruction of long-lived radionuclide intakes for Techa riverside residents: strontium-90. Health Phys. 2011 Jul;101(1):28-47. E I Tolstykh, M O Degteva, E A Shishkina, V I Zalyapin, V A Krivoschapov . Possibilities of using human teeth for retrospective dosimetry: analysis of the Techa River data. Radiation Protection Dosimetry02/2007; 127(1-4):511-5. M O Degteva, M I Vorobiova, E I Tolstykh, N B Shagina, E A Shishkina, L R Anspaugh, B A Napier, N G Bougrov, V A Shved, E E Tokareva. Development of an improved dose reconstruction system for the Techa River population affected by the operation of the Mayak Production Association. Radiation Research08/2006; 166(1 Pt 2):255-70. E A Shishkina, N M Lyubashevskii, E I Tolstykh, E A Ignatiev, T A Betenekova, S V Nikiforov. A mathematical model for calculation of 90Sr absorbed dose in dental tissues: elaboration and comparison to EPR measurements. Applied Radiation and Isotopes10/2001; 55(3):363-74
