Mark Richard Cave

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Location: England,East Midlands, Nottingham
Work: Geochemistry, Medical Geology, Geochemistry and Health, Environmental statistics, Bioaccessibility,Soil
Biographical: Mark Cave BSc, ARCS, PhD, MSc, CSci, CChem, MRSC is a Principal Scientist and the Medical Geology project leader for the British Geological Survey (BGS). He has at least 60 refereed external publications (h index = 17) and 80 internal BGS reports on analytical method development and data interpretation in environmental applications using multivariate statistical methods. He is an analytical chemist/ geochemist with a PhD specialising in analytical chemistry with over 20 years experience in the analysis and interpretation of environmental chemical data, recently obtaining an MSc in Applied Statistics. He has developed new sequential extraction methodologies for identification of the solid phase speciation of potentially harmful elements in soils and sediments. He is an Active member of the Royal Society of Chemistry. He is chairman of BARGE (Bioaccessibility Research Group of Europe) who are working to develop harmonised protocols for bioaccessibility testing and the production of a soil reference material for in-vitro bioaccessibility measurements. He has also wide experience in investigating the geological controls on the bioaccessibility of naturally occurring arsenic in the UK
Favourite Publications: Environmental Science and Technology, Science of the Total Environment, Analytica Chimica Acta, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, Environmental Pollution
