Recently Rated:
Work interests: Providing NPO social network for better research communication
Affiliation/website: Serving all members of the Research Cooperative
Preferred contact method: Other (details below)
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: email (researchcooperative atto gmail dotto com)
Favourite publications: PJ Matthews and J Akamine, eds. (2004) Research Writing in Japan: Personal, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Senri Ethnological Reports No. 49. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.
Using new password for old account
Message sent with new password, for members who joined before October 2016
Hello [Your name]. Greetings from Kyoto.
"The Cooperative" has migrated to a host and system (CMS), so we have to send you a password for returning to your account (see below).
When you with the password, you'll be able to change it back to to your old password, or something else and memorable, if you want. Your password is valid indefinitely, so please again whenever you have time.
Please visit the homepage at or go straight to the page at
Our system will be easier to use when it becomes familiar. There are many features for using media, managing more than one per account, sharing, and social networking. You will notice the look and feel of the site immediately. This may take some to get used to. Please look around and check that your previous messages, photos, blogs, etc. are still there (hopefully yes). Please feel free to revise or delete old or post messages in the forums for and Groups.
Your username is: [Your old username]
Your password is: [a long string of numbers and letters]
Please us at [Admin email] if you have any issues or questions. When you for the first time, please note an important change: Account for Admin is now separate from your public data. Your old data has been kept, but is now in the private account. To create a public profile, please use the form shown under the tab on your settings page (use the gearwheel tab on the public page to find this).
Thank you.
Peter Matthews/Chief Admin [Research Cooperative Administrator]
This new message was used from 22/10/16 08:37:16AM Before this, for a period of approximately 30-40 hours, the default Jamroom message was used. This means that around half of our membership received the generic message rather than this message designed for the Research Cooperative. I hope that from today, responses to receiving the new password information will be better, as the original message did not really explain much. Sorry for the hiccup.