Recently Rated:
Work interests: Providing NPO social network for better research communication
Affiliation/website: Serving all members of the Research Cooperative
Preferred contact method: Other (details below)
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: email (researchcooperative atto gmail dotto com)
Favourite publications: PJ Matthews and J Akamine, eds. (2004) Research Writing in Japan: Personal, Cultural, and Practical Perspectives, Senri Ethnological Reports No. 49. National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka.
Profile customization
Customization options are limited for a reason
For member profiles, customization using the "Profile Tweaks" module (a part of the Administration backend system) is set as "not allowed", in order to ensure that a static Profile title and self-introduction can be displayed at the top of each personal profile page.
If customization is permitted by Admin, the options that can be allowed are: Custom logo, Background image, Custom Index, and a setting for default Profile index. The "Index" means "index page", i.e. what shows first when vistors land on your page. It can be any feature of the main profile contents, such as the Blog or Gallery (i.e. areas that can be found by using the tab menu at the top of every profile page).
For our network, the priority is for all members to show a static self-introduction at the top of their page, with a title of "Biography", "CV", or "Work interests" or something similar. The field for writing this self-introduction is part of the form shown in the "Profile settings" page, which members can complete when they join, or update any time, after logging in.