Tips for Networking, No. 8

Research Cooperative
28/12/16 12:14:56AM

Example offers and requests

Welcome to the eighth issue of Tips for Networking

Date: January 14th, 2012.
Publisher: The Research Cooperative. Circulation: c. 3,600.
Previous issue: Sept. 2nd, 2011 (adding value to our network).
Tips top page.

In the main menu of our website (across the top of the page), theĀ Send tab can be used to go directly to our forums for editing, translation, proofreading, and so on (NB the forum category should be checked, under the message field, before sending your message).

I have now completely rewritten the example offers andĀ example requests in the sub-tabs below 'Send'

The new examples are:

  • shorter,
  • easier to understand, and
  • more useful.

There is also a new tab called 'All forums list' under the 'Send' tab.

Please have a look, and try out the forums!