
Rafael Hernandez Barros

Are academic journals a good business?

About the business model of scientific journals. Is it possible to earn money with them? Or are they for something...
@Rafael Hernandez Barros started 12 years ago - replies: 2
Rafael Hernandez Barros

Researchers who submit papers to fake journals pay dearly

The newest trick of cyber criminals is putting up fraudulent websites of reputable science journals asking for author feesUse caution: Check...
@Rafael Hernandez Barros started 12 years ago - replies: 0
Rafael Hernandez Barros

There are SUPERwomen, are there SUPERjournals?

Women have to be good professionals, mothers, spouses, friends, etc. And journals? How are they supposed to be?GAUDEAMUS - The academic network for...
@Rafael Hernandez Barros started 12 years ago - replies: 0