Ali Abbaspour

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Location: iran, Shahrood city
Work: soil and water pollution, soil chemistry and fertility
Biographical: Department of Soil Science College of Agriculture Shahrood University of Technology Shahrood, Semnan province, Iran Zip code: 3619995161 Phone: +98(274) 522-4621 Fax: +98(274) 522-4620 E-mail: Personal: Date of Birth: 27/3/1976 Place of Birth: Mashhad, Khorasan, Iran Education: 09/1995-06/1999 B.Sc. (Soil Science) Tabriz University 09/1999-02/2001 M.Sc (Soil Science, Soil Chemistry) Isfahan University of Technology Title of M.S. Thesis: "possibility of using converter sludge as Fe fertilizer on calcareous soils and amendment on acid soils." 09/2001-09/2006 Ph. D (Soil chemistry and fertility) Isfahan University of Technology . Title of PhD. Thesis: The effects of organic matter, salinity and redox on cadmium and lead fractions and their release from polluted soils References: Mahmoud Kalbasi, Professor of Soil Sci., College of Agric., Isf. Univ. of Technol., Isfahan, Iran. Tel: +98(311)891-3478, E-mail address: Shapoor Hajrasuliha. Professor of Soil Sci., College of Agric., Isf. Univ. of Technol., Isfahan, Iran. Tel: +98(311)668-4337, E-mail address: Research interest: Soil Environmental Chemistry, Plant Nutrition, Soil and water Pollution and Waste Management, Remediation, Organic geochemistry, soil salinity Research skills: Teaching and supervision at B.Sc. and M.Sc. level. Lab Techniques, Greenhouse Experiment, Atomic Absorption and Emission Spectrometry, Spectrophotometer, Soil analysis (Chemical and Physical), XRD Analysis, Computer Software (Visual minteq, SAS, MSTATC, Excel, PowerPoint, MS-Word,...). Sabbatical leave: Canada, 20 June- 13 November 2006 Publications: Papers: 1. Abbaspour A. and Arocena, J. M. Evaluation of chloropyromorphite stability in the rhizosphere of Brassica juncea and Medicago sativa in a sand culture. Accepted in: J. Environ. Quality. 2. Abbaspour, A.; Arocena, J. M. and Kalbasi, M. 2012. Uptake of phosphorus and lead from chloropyromorphite by Brassica juncea and Medicago sativa in a sand culture. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 14:531–542, 3. Abbaspour, A.; Golchin, A. In situ immobilization of heavy metals in a contaminated soil using di-ammonium phosphate, vermicompost and zeolite. Submitted to Environmetal Earth Science. 4. Abbaspour, A. and M. Kalbasi, S. Hajrasuliha, and A. Fotovat. 2008. Effect of organic matter and salinity on EDTA-extractable and solution species of cadmium and lead in three soils. Commun. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal. 39 (7&8): 983 - 1005 5. Abbaspour, A. and M. Kalbasi, S. Hajrasuliha, and A. Golchin. 2007. Effects of plant residue and salinity on fractions of cadmium and lead in three soils. Soil and Sediment Contamination, 16:539–555. 6. Abbaspour, A., M. Kalbasi, and H. Shariatmadari, 2004. Effect of steel converter sludge as Iron fertilizer and soil amendment in some calcareous soils. J. Plant Nutr. 27(2): 377-394. Conferences: 1. Abbaspour, A., M. Kalbasi, S. Hajrasuliha. and A. Fotovat. Effect of organic matter and salinity on EDTA-extractable and solution species of cadmium and lead in three soils. 18 world conference of soil science, 2006. USA, Philadelphia. 2. Abbaspour, A. and M. Kalbasi, S. Hajrasuliha. Fractionation and speciation of lead, cadmium, and zinc in two sites around lead-zinc mines and smelters in Iran.23-25 May 2006., Shizuoka, Japan. 3. Abbaspour, A. and M. Kalbasi, S. Hajrasuliha, A. Golchin. Effect of organic matter and salinity on fractions of cadmium and lead in three soils. International Conference on Human Impacts on Soil Qualilty Attributes in Arid and Semiarid Regions. 12-16 September 2005, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran.
Favourite Publications: Journal of Environmental Quality Soil Science Sociey of America Journal International Journal of Phytoremediation Journal of Plant Nutrition
