Annique-Elise Goode

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Research Cooperative
20/01/12 10:17:18PM @chief-admin:

Dear Annique,

Did this message in our archaeology group get posted to you from the group page?

In any case, best wishes for 2012. How is your study and work going?

Best regards, Peter

kumar avinash bharati
01/03/11 11:30:35PM @kumar-avinash-bharati:
Thank you for accepting my friendship request
Research Cooperative
14/02/11 09:42:47PM @chief-admin:

Dear Annique-Elise,

Thanks very much for joining. I enjoyed meeting your family in Japan the other night!

Your suit reminds me of one of the archaeologists I knew in Australia. He attended a course in grave-digging at a technical college so that he could learn more about digging deep holes in different kinds of soil. Archaeologists like to explore the record underground, but are not so keen on becoming part of it.

Stay safe! P.


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