Copyright and Terms of Service (archived ca. 2012)

Creative Commons License

The Research Cooperative by The Research Cooperative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Unported License. The design (layout) and content of this website are copyright of the Research Cooperative (hereafter 'the Cooperative'), unless contributed by an identified Member or obtained from another source (third party) by the Research Cooperative or Member. The copyright for content contributed by a Member, or obtained from another source,  belongs to the member and other source respectively (e.g. all messages, original images, and the logos of other organisations).

Please feel free to use our material for non-commercial use by crediting the author and linking back to our site.

Members contribute content on the understanding that it may be cited under the terms of our CC license, and take responsibility for any disputes that may arise if they post material obtained from a third party.

The Cooperative hereby disclaims responsibility for the posting of third-party materials by Members, but undertakes to remove such materials if a reasonable request is made by a third-party copyright holder. The truth, accuracy, and relevance of any information contributed by a Member of the Cooperative is the responsibility of the contributor, and is not guaranteed in any manner by the Cooperative or the network creator, Peter J. Matthews.

Spammers and other unwanted members

Reasonable attempts are made continuously to prevent spammers using our network. We welcome any information or alert messages that will help us identify and remove spammers from the network. We also assume a priori the right to refuse applications or delete members who are found to be offering ghostwriting services in any form or under any name or guise. If you feel your service does not fit this category and has been unfairly excluded, please contact Admin.

Permissions beyond the scope of our CC license

All content published here may be copied and used for personal reference, or for educational purposes (research or teaching), with appropriate citation. For commercial purposes, permission must be obtained from the relevant source (for example, the Cooperative administrator, or a Cooperative member who posted an image, message, or comment).

Acknowledgements is our internet service provider, and provides the social networking system used here at a cost of approximately USD 29.00 per month. Practical support for promotion of the site is currently being provided by Cactus Communications Pvt. Ltd, our first sponsor (Oct. 2008-present).
We also acknowledge the contributions of many past and present members to improvements to our website, through comments, advice, and questions freely provided over many years.

T rading name and financial operations

" The Research Cooperative " is an established trading name registered with the ANZ Bank, New Zealand. Our trading account is used to receive donations, voluntary subscription payments, and payments from advertisers, and will be used solely for operation, development, and promotion of the Cooperative.
Our trading name is also used as the title and author for the Cooperative website and network as a whole.   Paid advertisements may be shown on The Advertising Page or elsewhere in this website, and will be identified as such.

Donations to our Network Development Fund can be made through our Donate page, and after invitation by our automated membership-subscription system. Free membership (with a zero donation for the subscription) will always be available. The Research Cooperative, and its staff or volunteer administrators and moderators will never use personal email contact to request donations, payments, fees, or other funds from individual members. For information about our current financial circumstances and sponsorships, please see 'Who is paying for our network?' or contact the Chief Administrator (see Administration & Contact).

Copyright is hereby claimed for "The Research Cooperative" as a trading name, its abbreviated title forms (Research Cooperative, Research Co-op), and logo (in any size and colour; see logo v1.1 below). The logo consists of two sitting figures supporting each other, back to back, and facing outwards, in the abstract form shown. The logo is based on an original brush-pen painting in black ink by P. J. Matthews, who herewith transfers copyright for the painting (Logo v1.0), and digital copies of the painting, in any size and colour, to the Research Cooperative (see below).

Logo v1.0

Logo v1.1

Copyright is also hereby claimed on behalf of the Research Cooperative for the following logo version 2.0, commissioned by P. J. Matthews from Terute Design, Osaka (2010).

Logo v2.0

Copyright is also hereby claimed on behalf of the Research Cooperative for the following logo version v3.0, which is based on an original water-colour painting 'Logo after Paul Klee' by P. J. Matthews, who herewith transfers copyright for the painting, and digital copies of the painting, in any size and colour, to the Research Cooperative (see example below).

Logo v3.0

Copyright is also hereby claimed on behalf of the Research Cooperative for the following logo version, in any colour combination, and with or without cross-hatched background (Logo v4.0), created by P. J. Matthews, 18th February 2012. Title: '2+ Synergy @ The Research Cooperative'  

 Copyright is also hereby claimed on behalf of the Research Cooperative for the following equation (1+1 = 2+) as logo, in any colour combination, and with or without cross-hatched areas (Logo v5.0), created by P. J. Matthews, 18th February 2012. Title : '2+ Synergy'.

Administration note: This page was written using Verdana x-small font
