Daniel Felea

Recently Rated:


Location: Magurele
Work interests: Astroparticle Physics, Relativistic Heavy Ions Interactions
Affiliation/website: Institute of Space Science - Magurele, ROMANIA
Preferred contact method: Comment on my profile page
Preferred contact language(s): English
Favourite publications: Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, EPL-Europhysics Letters, Physics Letters B, physicsworld.com newswire

Founding Member

Location: ROMANIA, Magurele
Work: - Current participation in the MoEDAL experiment (LHC-CERN), in the Software and Analysis group, responsible with implementation in Gauss of VELO cavern geometry, drawing of the radiation length maps, and GEANT simulation of monopoles and other exotic particles in the MoEDAL acceptance; - Former participation in the ALICE experiment (LHC-CERN) in the Jets group and studies of Quark Gluon Plasma by means of jets physics (until March 2015); - Data analysis (C/C++ programming, implementation of algorithms for data classification, designing of generic software for simulations and for analysis in graphical form); - Since December 1998, the research activity was enlarged to the deformed potential wells domain, which explores the onset of classical uni and multi-particle chaotic and intermittent behavior for several vibrational modes.
Biographical: Romanian (mother tongue), good knowledge of English, some knowledge of French, Russian, Bulgarian, Japanese and other languages
Favourite Publications: Nature, Science, Physical Review Letters, EPL-Europhysics Letters, Physics Letters B, physicsworld.com newswire
