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Location: Hanalei, HI
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Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
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Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
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Founding Member
Location: South - Arkansas
Work: Human rights national news research/writing Gulf oil-related health/well-being Targeted Individuals Editing Audio transcribing
Biographical: Held top national news writer position at Examiner for a year; news articles frequently picked up by other news sources such as Global Research, Jeff Rense, Michael Moore and What Really Happened?
Favourite Publications: Global Research, Wired, Beyond Nuclear, Greenpeace, Voters for Peace, Truthout
Work: Human rights national news research/writing Gulf oil-related health/well-being Targeted Individuals Editing Audio transcribing
Biographical: Held top national news writer position at Examiner for a year; news articles frequently picked up by other news sources such as Global Research, Jeff Rense, Michael Moore and What Really Happened?
Favourite Publications: Global Research, Wired, Beyond Nuclear, Greenpeace, Voters for Peace, Truthout
Welcome to Research Cooperative - neat to meet you here and I know that your professional work will be appreciated by others in the network when they learn about you - bob g
Dear Deborah,
Thanks very much for joining. Obviously our network at present is orientated mainly towards academic communication, but there is every reason to try and support a greater diversity of research-based journalism and science writing through our network. I hope you can eventually make some useful connections here.
Peter (Admin., Kyoto) (ps I do taro research, and have visited the taro farms at Hanalei!)