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Location: United States
Work interests: Child maltreatment, Medicaid outcomes, Health services for individuals with intellectual/developmental disabilities, costs and health system changes
Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: elizabeth-momany@uiowa.edu
Favourite publications:

University of Iowa Public Policy Center

My work has centered on Medicaid members with a focus on child maltreatment, outcomes, intellectual and developmental disabilities. Most work has been in state evaluations with web-based reports. As a Senior Research Scientist, support of faculty research interests and activities, building a Medicaid data lake, and providing conceptual assistance has been a focus. Additionally, my own work focuses on children and vulnerable populations with an eye toward integrating service utilization based on administrative data with qualitative data collection to deepen our understanding of findings....

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@emomany • 4 years ago
Working on looking into suggestive DX for child maltreatment. Anyone else interested?


Research Cooperative
17/01/21 12:50:44PM @chief-admin:

Thanks very much for joining.

Please let me know if you have any questions about using the services page or network generally. 

Best regards, Peter Matthews (Admin., Kyoto)


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