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Location: Spain
Work interests: Solar Thermal Energy. Solar Heating, Cooling and Power. Measurements ob flows of industrial interest.
Affiliation/website: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
Preferred contact language(s): English
Contact: Speak Spanisch native
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Born in 1953, Master 1975, & Ph.D. 1980 on Aeronautical Engineering. Thesis on Nuclear fusion by implosion.

Associate Prof. in 1976. Full Professor on Thermal Engineering in 1993. Taught: ICE, Turbomachines, Energy Engineering, Combustion, Environmental Engineering, Measurement Techniques and Instrumentation, Acoustical Engineering, Absorption Machines.

Recent research on Innovative absorption machines for the production of heat, cold and power, as well as electricity consumption for production boosting. Solar Thermal Engineering for absorption machines motoring...

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