mahmoodreza ghods

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Location: ashland ,ohi o ,usa
Work: middle east history and politics ,and geopolitics espthat of iran my native country .
Biographical: farsi ,dari
Favourite Publications: national geographic,middle eastern journal ,journalof middle eastern studies ,journal of international studies ,journal of comperative politics ,foregin affairs

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Research Cooperative
15/11/12 07:57:34AM @chief-admin:

Dear Mahmoodreza,

You are welcome to join our Iran focus group , as well as any of the research communication topic groups.

There are many ways to learn about other members of this network through searching the profile pages.

What I would like to see is more discussion of how editors and translators in Iran can help researchers and academic pubishers in Iran. The main role of our network is to help build connections between these four groups of people, in order to facilitate research communication - in any country, and any language.


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