Md Nur Kabidul Azam

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Location: Dhaka
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Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
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Founding Member

Location: Dhanmondi, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Work: I have some international publication on Pharmacutical Biotechnology Ethnomedicinal Plant. Now think about environmental biotechnology. Every one can see me by Google search.
Biographical: Student of M.Sc. BGE University of Development Alternative Research Planning & development Officer-SAAS ( NGO) B.Sc., Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering from UODA
Favourite Publications: American Euroasian Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, African Medicinal journal Plant medica

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Research Cooperative
07/12/11 09:03:17PM @chief-admin:

Dear Nur,

Thanks for asking... you could help me, and us, by compiling a list of postal addresses for agricultural, plant-related, or ecological journals, societies, and publishers that you consider important in Bangladesh. This can be sent to me with a private message, or you can advertise such a list in a blog post from your page. After that, I can post a printed brochure about the Research Cooperative to each organisation.

I am really hoping that publishers will realise the value of networking with people who all have interest in research, writing, and research communication.

I recently read a great book by Julian Cribb (a science writer), called The Coming Famine. In this book, he emphasizes the need for better communication of the knowledge we already have about the world, as well for continued research into ways of adapting to our changing circumstances.

Best regards, Peter


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