Milton Speer

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Location: Australia
Work: Climate variability and change, particularly sub-tropical/mid-latitudes. Meteorology in general at short-range,seasonal and decadla scales, particularly the Australian region.
Biographical: Contact: English for both editing and translation
Favourite Publications: Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal International Journal of Climatology Climate Dynamics Milton is a meteorologist with over 10 years experience in applied mesoscale modelling research and extensive experience as a trained weather forecaster before that. His research interests cover a variety of fields in weather and climate, particularly focusing on southeast Australia and include severe weather and air quality modelling, mesoscale and synoptic scale meteorology, extratropical climate, and climate variability and change, in collaboration with atmospheric groups at universities and government institutions in Australia, the USA, Korea and China. Educational Qualifications Graduate Diploma in Management 2000 (University of New England) PhD 1998 (The University of New South Wales) Graduate Diploma in Meteorology 1977-78 (Bureau of Meteorology Training Centre) BSc 1974 (The University of New South Wales) Research Interests Applied mesoscale meteorological modelling including the following phenomena:- Severe storms; East coast lows; Air quality phenomena; Extratropical climate variability and change Synoptic and mesoscale meteorology Active Projects Impacts/causes of multi-decadal changes in NSW coastal rainfall. Australian east coast rainfall decline related to large scale climate drivers in collaboration with several USA colleagues. A meteorological analysis of the 31 March 2009 Coffs Harbour flash flood rainfall and implications for flash flood warnings, in collaboration with Bureau of Meteorology, Sydney. Awards Australian Academy of Science Visiting Scientist Award 2008 to Co-operative Institute for Mesoscale Meteorological Studies, Norman, Oklahoma, USA Bureau of Meteorology Fire Weather Forecasting Excellence Award for the Bureau’s response to the January 2003 fires of southeastern Australia US National Research Associateship Award 2002 (awarded to perform research at the National Severe Storms Laboratory), August – December 2002. The Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society’s Christopher Taylor Award, 1996 (awarded for meteorological research and investigation) Committees/Invitations (since 2000) Invited scientific expert for the NSW Environmental Defender’s Office from 2008. Associate Editor, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Journal from 2007. Invited Visiting Professor to Atmospheric Sciences Department, Kangnung National University, Kangnung, Republic of Korea, 6-10 November, 2006. Secretary, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society (Atmosphere Section), 2005-2009 Editorial Board, Asia-Oceania Geosciences Society (Atmosphere Section), 2005-2009 Chair, Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society, Sydney Centre 2000-2001 For publications see

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