Mirmasood bagheri

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Location: Tehran-Iran
Work: Mechanical Engineering, Welding, Inspection

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Research Cooperative
03/04/11 05:46:19PM @chief-admin:

Dear Mirmasood,

Thanks for joining the Iran focus group. My reason for creating this and other country focus groups is to encourage researchers, editors, translators and publishers in each country to start talking to each other about how to manage and improve research-based/scientific and technical publishing in each country. What actually happens depends on the members themselves. All I can do - as someone ignorant about Iran - is make general or simple suggestions. For example, since your interests are in Mechanical Engineering, Welding, and Inspection, you could post a message on the Iran page introducing the main publications that you refer to in Iran, and any good or bad qualities you see in those publications, and suggesting ways in which they could be improved, from your perspective. On a related matter, after the Bam earthquake some years ago, were any modern buildings damaged? Has the city of Bam been rebuilt using the traditional brick architecture, or has concrete and steel replaced what was lost?

One of my Japanese colleagues was in Bam just two weeks before the earthquake there, and took photos of the old city, which was really amazing to see. I hope the people there are OK now.

Best regards, Peter (Admin.)

Research Cooperative
09/05/10 08:54:23PM @chief-admin:
Dear Mirmasood,I have created a new group called "Express Engineering" inside the Research Cooperative. This group will focus on the expression (i.e. communication) of engineering knowledge across all media. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please follow this link:
"> Thanks, Dr Peter Matthews (for the Research Cooperative)


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