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Location: Bangladesh
Work interests: Plant Taxonomy, Ethnobotany, Conservation Biology
Affiliation/website: University of Dhaka
Preferred contact method: Comment on my profile page
Preferred contact language(s): English
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Biography: Professor Dr. Mohammad Zashim Uddin

Dr. Mohammad Zashim Uddin is a Professor in the Department of Botany, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh and supervised 34 MS research and one Ph. D. research and presently guiding two M. Phil. research and two MS research. He teaches Plant Taxonomy, Ethnobotany and Conservation Biology of tropical biodiversity. By this time, he has been published 72 research articles/books/book parts in different national and international scientific journal. His Research Gate (RG) point is 21.4, research reads...

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@mz-uddin • 4 years ago • comments: 3


Research Cooperative
28/12/20 02:19:19PM @chief-admin:


@mz-uddin :

I have been collaborating with Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) for a project on the evolutionary history of taro; we have some good initial results, but not yet published. We should try to look at floristic reports for conservation areas to see how the wild taros are treated in such reports. In many countries, wild taros are assumed to be "weeds" or "garden escapes" when they may in fact be part of the natural, lowland flora and able to expand from natural edge habitats (forest gaps, river banks) into agricultural and urban environments. Also of interest is information on local use of wild taro populations as an emergency food source (potentially important in the present time, if many people have been losing jobs and are going hungry).


Research Cooperative
10/07/20 03:31:02PM @chief-admin:

Dear Prof. Uddin,

Thanks very much for joining. I look forward to learning more about your work!

Best regards, Peter

10/07/20 11:49:58AM @mz-uddin:

During COVID-19, I have participated in five online seminars and I also presented my thoughts on environment protection, nature conservation and plantation in Bangladesh. Pollution and exotic plantation are very common in Bangladesh. Due to these situation, biodiversity of the country are facing problem in finding food, habitat and shelter. In order to save country's biodiversity we are promoting to control pollutants and to plant native tree species. 


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