Nicolae Enaki

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Location: Institute of Applied Physics of Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Chisinau, R. Moldova
Work: Security of data communication is critical with applications ranging from international security to satellites control and command. Quantum mechanics offers the potential for ultra-secure communications making copying is impossible. Whereas today’s fiber-optic communication systems require bits made of tens of thousands of photons, quantum communication uses single photons to transmit 1s and 0s. This is the future of encryption technology lies with single-photon detectors that operate with near-infrared light and count more than 100,000 photons per second while reducing false counts to virtually zero. The problem of quantum fluctuations and the generation of non-classical electromagnetic fields in multi-photon processes have been the subject of an extensive theoretical and experimental studies in recent years.
Biographical: GENERAL DATES First name NICOLAE Name ENAKI (ENACHI) Date and birthplace 27 May 1958, Radenii Vechi, Ungheni, Republic of Moldova Permanent work address Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, Academiei Str. 5, Chisinau MD 2028, Moldova Phone: +37322 739907 Fax: +37322 738149, 739805 E-mail: Specialty Quantum Optics, Quantum Radio-physics Fields of interest Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing Interaction of radiation with matter Cooperative phenomena in Quantum Optics, Biomolecular computing and nanotechnology., Quantum Optics, Laser Physics, Nonclassical states of light and radiators Studies 1975-1980: Student of Physics Faculty, Moldava State University, Chisinau 1981-1985: Post-graduate of Physics Faculty, Lomonosov State University, Moscow. 1985: Candidate in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD), Lomonosov State University, Moscow: Quantum Statistics of superradiance in extended system of radiators. 1993: Dr. in Physical and Mathematical Sciences (Dr. habilitatus), Academy of Sciences, Institute of Applied Physics: One- and two-photon cooperative phenomena in Optics. Research positions 1980-1981: Research assistant, Moldova State University 1981-1985: PhD student, Moscow State University 1985-1988: Research Associate, Institute of Applied Physics 1988-1993: Senior Researcher, Institute of Applied Physics From 1993: Principal Researcher, Institute of Applied Physics 1995-1998; Principal Researcher II in Institute of Atomic Physics, Theoretical Physics Lab. Magurele, Bucharest Romania. 1999-2001: Associate Professor, Moldova State University, Chisinau. From 2002: Professor of Physics, Moldova State University, Chisinau. From 2001 Chef of Quantum Optics Laboratory, Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldavia. From 2006 Chief of Quantum Optics and Kinetic Processes Laboratory ,Institute of Applied Physics, Academy of Sciences of Moldavia. Experience in teaching Courses in Moldavian State University: “Quantum Optics and Quantum Computing” “Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics” “Quantum Field Theory” “Path integrals in Modern Physics” PhD Thesis supervised 2009, • Nellu Ciobanu “Ressonance Effects in the Process of interaction of Two quantum subsystems ” • 2009. Elena Galeamov “Non-exponential Spontaneous Emission and Resonace Fluorescence between the Undistinctible Radiators. • 2006, Vitalie Eremeev, Thesis title: Cooperative effects in excited electronic systems on multiquantum interaction with bosonic field. • 2005, Viorel Ciornea, Thesis title: Two-photon emission in the processes of interaction of electromagnetic field with nonlinear media. • 2001, Vlad Koroli, Thesis title: Optical trapping and cooperative effects in interactions of photons and phonons with radiators. • 1999, Mihai Macovei, Thesis title: Cooperative two-photon effects in free space and optical cavities. • 1992, Oleg Prepelita, Thesis title: Cooperative two-quantum processes in multi-level optical systems and condensed materials. The number of publications is more than 200.
Favourite Publications: 1. N.A. Enaki” Mutual cooperative effects between single- and two-photon super-fluorescent processes through vacuum field” Eur. Phys. J. D Volume 66, Number 4, 21 p. (2012) DOI: 5. Nicolae Enaki and Marina Turcan “Generation of photon pairs in hyper-Raman Effects and its connection with transitions symmetries”, 2012 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 338 012007 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/338/1/012007, 2. Nicolae Enaki and Sergiu Colun, Nonlinear effects in the theory of superconductivity, 2012 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 338 012006 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/338/1/012006 3. ENAKI, N.A., TURCAN M., Cooperative Scattering Effect Between Stokes and Anti-Stokes Field Stimulated by a Stream of Atoms ” Optics Communications , Volume 285, Issue 5, 1 March 2012, Pages 686-692 4. Nicolae A Enaki and Tudor Rosca “The exact quantum solution of N-radiators in cooperative interaction with a cavity field” 2012 Phys. Scr. 2012 014011 doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T147/014011 5. N Ciobanu, N A Enaki and M Orszag “Cooperative emission from two atoms localized in a standing wave field ”, 2012 Phys. Scr. 2012 014007 doi:10.1088/0031-8949/2012/T147/014007 10. ENAKI, N.A.; CIOBANU, N.; ORSZAG, M. Coherently controlled emission from two atoms dressed via a standing wave laser field. J Phys B-At Mol Opt. 2011, 44, 215502- 215502-9. ISSN 0953-4075. doi: 10.1088/0953-4075/44/21/215502 (IF: 1,902). 6. N.A.Enaki About the new architecture of quantum communication. În: Proc. SPIE. 2009, vol. 7297, 729705 (4)

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