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Location: Perth
Work: Petra’s primary areas of academic interests are qualitative research; how the interaction of psychological and environmental factors and processes influences health/well-being, growth, and resilience; migration between Western countries; living conditions that foster health/well-being, growth and resilience; disaster and pandemic preparedness, response and recovery; healthy, self-sustainable, and resilient communities; cosmopolitanism; self-actualisation; and authenticity.
Biographical: Petra’s primary areas of academic interests are qualitative research; how the interaction of psychological and environmental factors and processes influences health/well-being, growth, and resilience; migration between Western countries; living conditions that foster health/well-being, growth and resilience; disaster and pandemic preparedness, response and recovery; healthy, self-sustainable, and resilient communities; cosmopolitanism; self-actualisation; and authenticity.
Work: Petra’s primary areas of academic interests are qualitative research; how the interaction of psychological and environmental factors and processes influences health/well-being, growth, and resilience; migration between Western countries; living conditions that foster health/well-being, growth and resilience; disaster and pandemic preparedness, response and recovery; healthy, self-sustainable, and resilient communities; cosmopolitanism; self-actualisation; and authenticity.
Biographical: Petra’s primary areas of academic interests are qualitative research; how the interaction of psychological and environmental factors and processes influences health/well-being, growth, and resilience; migration between Western countries; living conditions that foster health/well-being, growth and resilience; disaster and pandemic preparedness, response and recovery; healthy, self-sustainable, and resilient communities; cosmopolitanism; self-actualisation; and authenticity.
Your work and interests are neat - I would like to be your friend and learn more about what you are researching .. bob g