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Work interests: Anatomy, Surgery, review
Preferred contact method: Other (see details below)
Preferred contact language(s): Portuguese, English
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Graduated in Medicine from Santamarense Organization for Education and Culture (OSEC) em1990. Specialist in General Surgery. Master of Research in Surgery For the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo. Former Professor of Surgery, Anatomy and Operative Technique and Head of the Emergency Room of the Faculty of Medicine of Santo Amaro. Member of Abdominal Wall Group and Professor Instructor of the Department of Morphology (Anatomy) of the Brotherhood of Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo

Graduated in Medicine from Santamarense Organization for Education and Culture (OSEC) em1990. Specialist in General Surgery. Master of Research in Surgery For the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Santa Casa de São Paulo. Former Professor of Surgery, Anatomy and Operative Technique and Head of the Emergency Room of the Faculty of Medicine of Santo Amaro. Member of Abdominal Wall Group and Professor Instructor of the Department of Morphology (Anatomy) of the Brotherhood...

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