Qinxue WANG

Recently Rated:


Location: PRINCIPAL RESEARCHER, National Institute for Environmental Studies, Japan
Work interests: to detect environmental vulnerabilities by establishing an early warning network and to develop models for assessing how climate change and human activities affect water, carbon, and nitrogen cycles in East Asia.
Affiliation/website: https://glp.earth/users/qinxue-wang
Preferred contact method: Any
Preferred contact language(s): Chinese, Japanese and English
Contact: 3058506, Onogawa 16-2, Tsukuba, Japan
Favourite publications: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=derII-YAAAAJ&hl=en

Founding Member

Location: Tsukuba, Japan
Work: Climate Change/Environment/Natural Resources
Biographical: Title: Principal Researcher/National Institute for Environmental Studies Research Subject: Development of systems for observating and evaluating regional water and material cycles in East Asia
Favourite Publications: Cold Regions Science and Technology/Hydrological Processes/Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture/Biogeochemistry/ International Journal of Remote Sensing/ Journal of Climate/Agricultural and Forest Meteorology


Qinxue WANG
@qinxue-wang • 2 years ago • comments: 2