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Location: Beirut, Lebanon
Work: - Program evaluation, environmental project management/initiating/planning/budgeting/staff-ing/control/performance/closure - Planning, monitoring studies & research geared to sustainable development on natural resources, climate change, soil and forests, water, land/use-rural areas & land degradation, natural disasters and risks, desertification & drought, GIS and remote sensing, urban development & modelling, etc. - Environmental strategies-policies & EIA approaches; Enhancing participatory work & public involvements on environmental safety & conservation awareness - Capacity building & training for government, NGOs & institutional performance - Proposals, reporting, liaising & dissemination.
Biographical: Miss Rania Bou Kheir was born in Lebanon (31 July 1974). She holds an engineering diploma in Agriculture engineering (grade – good) from the Lebanese University (1997), a MSc. (grade – good) from the academic agency of French speaking-countries (Lebanon) in 1998, and a PhD (highly honorable with congratulations of the committee) in the application of remote sensing (satellite imageries) and GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for modeling land degradation problems from Institut National Agronomique Paris-Grignon (France) in 2002 (beneficiating from a French scholarship). Recently (July 2007), she got the “Accreditation to supervise research” diploma [Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR)] from the University of Pierre and Marie Curie Paris 6, evaluating her status as a professional researcher and assigned her the rank of director of research. In addition, she has been qualified by the Ministry of higher education and research (France) as a professor (qualification number – 08135184790) for 2 sections (1) section 35 – Structure and evolution of the earth and other planets; and (2) section 36 – Solid earth & geodynamics. She did a postdoctoral research (2004) at the University of Southern California USC (GIS research laboratory) beneficiating from a USA Fulbright scholarship. Her research experience is extensive. She spent around 10 years (1998-2008) at the National Council for Scientific Research/National Center for Remote Sensing (NCRS) in Lebanon, working and cooperating in national and international development projects (a detailed list is available on request), and involved in scientific publishing related to the application of remote sensing (satellite imageries) and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to the modeling of soil, water and land management problems (e.g., soil-water erosion, soil contamination, water pollution, desertification, land degradation, mass movements, forest fires, sand dunes, drought, flooding, etc.). These projects are funded by international agencies, European Programs, Ministries, the Arab League, & bi-lateral countries. Rania Bou Kheir is fluent in English, French and Arabic. Since 1998 – current, she is supervising, collaborating and implementing a series of National scale maps on natural hazards for incorporation in proper land-use planning. Rania Bou Kheir is currently a free expert consultant on environmental issues and matters related to natural disasters. She was working as a consultant with the German Technical Cooperation GTZ, Germany)and the Arab League ACSAD Centre for the Studies of Arid Zones and Dry Lands (2007-2009). She was a consultant expert for a project held between UNDP & World Bank on mapping land suitability of the Bekaa region (Lebanon) for vineyard cultivation (2007-2008); In addition, she is actually an expert consultant (senior scientist) with the University of Aarhus/Faculty of Agricultural Sciences/Department of Agroecology and Environment/Research Centre Foulum (Denmark) for digital mapping of Danish organic soils at national scale (1:100.000) as part of climate change monitoring (2008-up to date). --- Moreover, she was working on the preparation of several documents related to land degradation problems in the Euro-Mediterranean countries as an expert consultant for the Joint Research Center affiliated to the European Commission (located in Italy) (2007-2009) (1st report - Bou Kheir R, Montanarella L, Verheijen F. Integrated Assessment of Soil Erosion by Water in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. EUR 23754 EN, Luxembourg (Luxembourg): OPOCE, JRC49567). --- Rania Bou Kheir was an evaluator of research proposals (April 2009, March 2010 Brussels) submitted in response to the call FP7-ENV-2009-1 for Theme 6, "Environment (including climate change)" (European Commission) of the FP7 Cooperation Specific Programme (EX2006C140510).
Favourite Publications: 1. Bou Kheir, R., Cerdan, O., Abdallah, C., 2006. Regional soil erosion risk assessment in Lebanon. Geomorphology, 82, 347-359. 2. Bou Kheir, R., Wilson, J., Deng, Y., 2007. Use of terrain variables for mapping gully erosion susceptibility in Lebanon. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 32, 1770-1782. 3. Bou Kheir, R., 2008. A conditional GIS-interpolation-based model for mapping soil-water erosion processes in Lebanon. Land degradation and development, 18, 1-14. 4. Bou Kheir, R., Abdallah, C., Runnstrom, M., Martensson, U., 2008. Designing erosion management plans in Lebanon using remote sensing, GIS and decision-tree modeling Landscape and urban planning, 88, 54-63. 5. Bou Kheir, R., Greve, M.H., Abadallah, C., Dalgaard, T., 2010. Spatial soil zinc content distribution from terrain parameters: a GIS-based decision-tree model in Lebanon. Environmental pollution, 158(2), 520-528. 6. Bou Kheir, R., Abadallah, C., Dalgaard, T., Greve, M.H., 2010. Using visual erosion signs to validate the application of water erosion models in Mediterranean karst environments, case study Lebanon. Zeitschrift fur Geomorphologie, 54(2), 27-49. 7. Bou Kheir, R., Bøcher, P.K., Greve, M.B., Greve, M.H., 2010. The application of GIS based decision-tree models for generating the spatial distribution of hydromorphic organic landscapes in relation to digital terrain data. Hydrology and Earth Systems Sciences, 7, 1-28. 8. Bou Kheir, R., Greve, M.H., Bøcher, P.K., Greve, M.B., Larsen, R., McCloy, K., 2010. Predictive mapping of soil organic carbon in wet cultivated lands using classification-tree based models: the case study of Denmark. Journal of Environmental Management, under press.
