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Founding Member
Location: Wellington, New Zealand
Work: How to conserve and empower traditional ecological knowledge and its holders at the global scale.
Biographical: Ruifei Tang PhD Candidate School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand PO Box 600 Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64-4-463 5233-8619 Skype: trf6151 MSN:
Favourite Publications: Conservation Biology, Society & Natural Resources, Science,
Work: How to conserve and empower traditional ecological knowledge and its holders at the global scale.
Biographical: Ruifei Tang PhD Candidate School of Geography, Environment and Earth Sciences Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand PO Box 600 Wellington 6140, New Zealand Phone: +64-4-463 5233-8619 Skype: trf6151 MSN:
Favourite Publications: Conservation Biology, Society & Natural Resources, Science,
Dear Ruifei Tang
Its Dr zashim. I am working on traditional botanical knowledge in particular geographical area. I teach ethnobotany in dhaka university. we can share our ideas on this issue.
Thank you Ruifei Tang for accepting the request, I am working on Ethnomedicinal / Traditional medical system of district Sonebhadra, UP, IndiaWith regards,Prasant