Seyyed Ershad Moradi

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Location: Iran-Mazandaran-sARI
Work: nanomaterials-separation science- surface phenamena

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Research Cooperative
10/07/12 07:25:07PM @chief-admin:

Dear Seyyed,

Thanks very much for joining this group, though I am not a member from Iran! But as network administrator, I am hoping this group can be active in discussing issues related to research communication in Iran.

For example, I wonder if there are any professional associations for academic editors in your country, and if any members of such groups would like to join our network.

Also... how can we support the efforts of publishers and journals in your country? Iran faces many difficult problems just now - beyond the scope of this network - but at least we can try to improve communications in the realm of science, for the good of Iran and the world generally.

Yours sincerely, Peter


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