Teresa D. Hawkes

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Location: Eugene, Oregon, USA
Work: Translational Research Neurophysiology Neuropsychology Motor Control and Learning Biostatistics Neurophysiology of Mind
Biographical: PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: Cognitive Psychology Lecturer, University of Oklahoma, 2012-present Graduate Teaching Fellow, Human Physiology, University of Oregon, 2007-2012 Graduate Research Fellow, Human Physiology, University of Oregon, 2005-2007. Publisher, The Oracular Tree Literary Ezine, 1997-present Freelance Yoga Instructor, 1996-2005 Freelance Desktop Publishing, 1992-1996 Publications Director, Dive Rescue International, 1987-1992 Editorial Assistant, Journal of Child Neurology, University of Oklahoma Sciences Center, 1986-1987 Library Research Assistant, Pulmonary Disease and Critical Care Section, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, 1985 University of Oklahoma Women’s Studies, Graduate Student Clerk, 1984 University of Oklahoma Slide Librarian, School of Art, 1980-1982 SCIENTIFIC GRANTS, AWARDS AND HONORS: Invited to attend Mind & Life XXV with His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, October 20, 2012, New York, NY. National Research Council, Research Associates Program, Proposal to the Air Force Human Performance Laboratory, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, “Effect of long-term practice of aerobic fitness, Tai Chi, or strength training and circulating BDNF levels on executive attention function in active duty Air Force personnel.” Recommended for Funding at the national level, 2012. Mind & Life Institute Summer Research Fellow, 2010 NIH T-32 Systems Training Grant Appointee, Institute of Neuroscience, University of Oregon, 2008 Mind & Life Institute Summer Research Fellow, 2008 Francisco J. Varela Research Award, Mind & Life Institute, 2007 Mind & Life Institute Summer Research Fellow, 2006 PUBLICATIONS Hawkes, T.D., Siu, K-C., Silsupadol, P. & Woollacott, M.H. (2012). Why do older adults fall when walking & performing a secondary task? Examination of attentional switching abilities. Gait and Posture, 35,1, 159-63. Epub 2011 Oct 2. Hawkes, T.D., Chou, L-S, Woollacott, M. (2010). Effects of Long-term Meditation, Tai Chi and Aerobic Walking Training on Executive Attention Efficiency. Abstract accepted for presentation at the University of Oregon Graduate Research Forum. PRESENTATIONS Hawkes, T.D., Siu, K-C., Silsupadol, P. & Woollacott, M.H. (2011). Why do older adults fall when walking & performing a secondary task? Examination of attentional switching abilities. Poster accepted at Progress in Motor Control VIII, International Society of Motor Control, Cincinnati, Ohio, July 21-23, 2011. Hawkes, T.D., Chou, L-S, Woollacott, M. (2010). Differential effects of long-term training in Tai Chi, sitting meditation, and aerobic fitness on attentional abilities. Invited presentation, Mind & Life Summer Research Institute, Garrison, New York. MANUSCRIPTS IN PREPARATION Hawkes, T.D., Manselle, W. & Woollacott, M.H. (2012). Comparison of Executive Attention Function in Long-term Tai Chi, Meditation, and Aerobic Fitness Practitioners vs. Inactive Adults. Hawkes, T.D., Manselle,W., Woollacott, M. (2012). Comparison of the P3b event-related potential in Long-term Tai Chi, Meditation, and Aerobic Fitness Practitioners vs. Inactive Adults. AD HOC REVIEWER International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation Gait & Posture TEACHING EXPERIENCE University of Oklahoma, Department of Psychology Research Methods I: Statistics University of Oregon, Department of Human Physiology Exercise as Medicine (undergraduate) Exercise and Performance (undergraduate) Motor Control (undergraduate) Alternative & Complementary Medicine Grader (undergraduate senior and graduate) UNDERGRADUATE HONORS THESIS SUPERVISED The Effects of Long-Term Aerobic Exercise on Executive Function as Measured by Dense Array EEG (Electroencephalogram), 2010-12.
Favourite Publications: Nature, Science, Psychophysiology, Journal of Neuroscience, PLoS One
