Timeline Entry
1. Microbial risk Assessment along the Production Line of Flexi Intermediate Bulk Containers (FIBC) Manufacturing Company Intended to Use for Food.
2. Development of low-cost novel sanitizers for fresh vegetables.
3. microbial biofertilizer in improving soil fertility and increased crop yield
4. low codt natural decoloring technology
5. use of benificial microorganisms in food safety and quality
Today I sent out new passwords to all members who have not logged in since our change to the new hosting system (Jamroom) in 2016. Many of the account holders cannot be reached because thier email addresses are no longer valid. This is expected.
I am hoping that the process is not too confusing for people, when they log in again with their new passwords. If you are reading this message and received the new password message, I would be glad to know if it was easy to follow, or not. Feedback is always useful.
Trouble with your passwords?
Please tell Admin (email researchcooperative at gemail dot com)!
One user sent me this report:
I have recently published Two Great Problems of Learning: Science and Civilization, an ebook available free at https://roundedglobe.com/books/61539716-6ed9-4df5-89fa-8fdd5ec80df8/Two%20Great%20Problems%20of%20Learning:%20Science%20and%20Civilization/ .
Activated the newly designed message to go with new password information, which is being sent out by our NingImport tool and the Mailgun email service that is integrated with our network.