Ahmad Agus Setiawan

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Location: Perth, WA
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Location: Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Work: Renewable Energy Systems for Sustainable Development
Biographical: Ahmad Agus Setiawan was born in Indonesia. He obtained a BSc in Electrical Engineering from Gadjah Mada University in 1999, and MSc in Sustainable Energy Engineering from The Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, in 2002. He then continued to pursue his doctoral study with an Australian Development Scholarships AusAID scheme at The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia, in 2004, undertaking courses on Applied Photovoltaics at the ARC Photovoltaics Center of Excellence and Power Electronics at the School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications. After this, he moved to Western Australia to conduct his PhD research project at the Renewable Energy and Power Systems research group in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (formerly known as CRESTA - Center for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Australia), Curtin University of Technology, and performed experimental works with the industrial partner Regen Power Pty Ltd. During his PhD, he was involved in real life project implementation of renewable energy systems application, particularly in the Maldives project on the AC coupling microgrid hybrid power system. He also initiated the formation of a group of student at Curtin University to make a contact with a group of student at Gadjah Mada University, to participate in the Mondialogo Engineering Award 2007, an intercultural dialogue and partnership initiated by Daimler and UNESCO to promote sustainable development in developing countries. This partnership resulted in the Award winning project proposal on the “Development of Sustainable Power and Water Supply for Remote Areas and Disaster Response and Reconstruction in Indonesia”. Mr. Setiawan was also actively engaged in education and academic activities during his doctoral study. He supervised tutorials and laboratory works in a number of courses, such as Engineering Sustainable Development, Power Electronics, Renewable Energy Systems, Electrical Circuits, Electronics Design, Instrumentation and Control utilizing PLC–SCADA, Electrical Machines and Drives, Fundamental Electronics, Engineering Management, and Engineering Economics. He also served as a member of an organizing committee for a colloquium and symposium held by the University. In addition, he volunteered in engineering and social related activities, such as working in a casual job for SEDO (Sustainable Energy Development Office), Government of Western Australia; “Science and Engineering Challenge” organized by Engineers Australia for high school students in the Perth metropolitan area and surrounding districts; “PC for Refugees” organized by the Engineers Without Borders (EWB) Western Australian Branch; becoming a presenter in the seminar at Perth Sun Fair in 2007 & 2008; etc. He is a student member of IEEE, Engineers Australia, the Royal Society of Western Australia (RSWA), the Australian Institute of Energy (AIE), Engineers Without Borders (EWB), the Indonesian Renewable Energy Society (IRES), and the AIPSSA (Association of Indonesian Postgraduate Student and Scholars in Australia). Upon completion of his doctoral study at Curtin University of Technology in 2009, Mr Setiawan resumes his position as a lecturer at Gadjah Mada University, Indonesia. He is now actively involved in the Working Group on Energy Self Sufficient Program for Indonesia within the Institute of Research and Community Services, Gadjah Mada University. He is currently serving as the Vice Head of the Department of Engineering Physics, Gadjah Mada University. In November 2009, he is awarded as a member of the Australian Scholarships Alumni Reference Group (ARG), as part of an elite group in contributing to development in Indonesia and to the strong people to people links between Indonesia and Australia. The ARG also serves in assisting the Government of Australia and the Government of Indonesia with future development plans. He can be contacted via email: ahmadagus_s@yahoo.com.
Favourite Publications: Renewable Energy, Energy for Sustainable Development, IEEE journals,

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Research Cooperative
21/08/10 09:09:09PM @chief-admin:
Dear Dr Setiawan,I have created a new group called "Energy research" inside the Research Cooperative. This group will focus on how energy research is communicated across all media, scientific and popular. The group is open to researchers, editors, translators, publishers, and others.If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please follow this link:
"> Thanks, Dr Peter Matthews (for the Research Cooperative)
Research Cooperative
09/05/10 08:41:19PM @chief-admin:
Dear Ahmad,I have created a new group called "Express Engineering" inside the Research Cooperative. The group will focus on the expression and communication of engineering knowledge across all media. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please follow this link:
"> Thanks, Dr Peter Matthews (for the Research Cooperative)


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