Arbab Ibrahim Arbab

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Location: Khartoum, Sudan
Work: theoretical physics/cosmology/astrophysics/applied mathematics
Biographical: Current field of interest: Cosmology, astrophysics List of Publications [1] Arbab I. Arbab, On the generalized Newton's law of gravitation, Astrophys. Space Sci. V325, 37, 2010. [2] Arbab I. Arbab, A phenomenological model for the precession of planets and bending of light, Astrophys. Space Sci. V325, 41, 2010. [3] Arbab I. Arbab, On the gravitational radiation of gravitating objects, Astrophys. Space Sci. 323, 181 2009. [4] Arbab I. Arbab and Zeinab A. Satti, On the Generalized Maxwell Equations and Their Prediction of Electroscalar Wave, Progress in Physics, 8, 2, 2009. [5] Arbab I. Arbab, On the New Gauge Transformations of Maxwell's Equations, Progress in Physics, 14, 2, 2009. [6] Arbab I. Arbab, The Length of the Day: A Cosmological Perspective, Progress in Physics, 8, 1, 2009. [7] Arbab I. Arbab, On the Tidal Evolution of the Earth-Moon System: A Cosmological Model, Progress in Physics, 54, 1, 2009. [8] Arbab I. Arbab, Viscous Dark Energy Variable G and ", Chin. Phys. Lett. . V25, 3834, 2008. [9] Arbab I. Arbab, Fantom Energy with Variable G and ", Chin. Phys. Lett. V25, 4497, 2008: AIP Conf. Proc., April 17, 2009, Volume 1115, pp. 230-238, DOI:10.1063/1.3131504 [10] Arbab I. Arbab, Comment on " Five dimensional cosmological model with variable G and ", Chin. Phys. Lett. V25, 351, 2008. [11] Arbab I. Arbab, On the planetary acceleration and the Earth rotation, Astrophys. Space Sci. 314, 35, 2008. [12] Arbab I. Arbab, Cosmological Models With Generalized Einstein Action, Cosmological Models in the Generalized Einstein Action, Abraham Zelmanov Journal ,V.2, 3 (2009) & ICTP/IC/2007/120, 2007. [13] Arbab I. Arbab, A cosmic quantum mechanics, African J. of Math. Phys., V.2, N.1, 1, 2005. [14] Arbab I. Arbab Evolution of angular momenta and Energy of the Earth-Moon system, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 40, 33, 2005. [15] Arbab I. Arbab, Consparative cosmology with variable constants, New developments in quantum cosmology research, Horizon in world physics, V.247, Edited by: Reimer Albert, ISBN: 1-59454-321-6, Nova science publishers, USA, 2005. [16] Arbab I. Arbab, Temporal variation of the Earth-Moon parameters with cosmic evolution, Acta Geod. Geoph. Hung., 39, 27, 2004. [17] Arbab I. Arbab, A quantum universe and the solution to the cosmological problems, Gen. Rel. Gravit. V.36, 2465, 2004. [18] Arbab I. Arbab, The equivalence between different dark (matter) energy scenarios, Astrophys. Space Sci.291, 141, 2004. [19] Arbab I. Arbab, The Universe with bulk viscosity, Chin. J. of Astron. and Astrophys. V.3, 113, 2003. [20] Arbab I. Arbab, Cosmic Acceleration with a positive cosmological constant, Class. Quant. Gravit. 20, 93, 2003. [21] Arbab I. Arbab, Cosmological consequences of a built-in cosmological constant model, J. Cosm. Astro. Particle, V.5, 8, 2003. [22] Arbab I. Arbab, FRW universe with variable vacuum energy density, Gravit. & Cosm. V8. 31, 227, 2002. [23] Arbab I. Arbab, A model of an accelerating universe, New trends in theoretical and observational cosmology, edited by K. Sato and T. Shiromizu, Universal Acad. Press., 2002, Tokyo, Japan. [24] Arbab I. Arbab, A coasting universe with vacuum energy, Spacetime & Substance V.2, 39, 2001. [25] Arbab I. Arbab, Large scale quantization and the essence of the cosmological problems, Spacetime & Substance V.2, 55, 2001. [26] Arbab I. Arbab, The evolving universe and the puzzling cosmological parameters, Spacetime & Substance V.2, 51, 2001. [27] Arbab I. Arbab and A. Beesham, Causal dissipative cosmology with variable G and , Gen. Rel. Gravit. V.32, 516, 2000. [28] Arbab I. Arbab, Cosmological implications of the viscous universe with variable G and , Astrophys. Space Sci.V.259, 371, 1998. [29] Arbab I. Arbab, A flat viscous cosmological model with an increasing gravitational constant, Nouvo Cimento.V113B, 403, 1998. [30] Arbab I. Arbab, Bianchi type I universe with variable G and , Gen. Rel. Gravit.V30, 1401, 1998. [31] Arbab I. Arbab, Anisotropic universe with variable G and , Astrophys. Space Sci.V.246, 193, 1997. [32] Arbab I. Arbab, Cosmological models with variable G, and bulk viscosity, Gen. Rel. Gravit.V.29, 61, 1997. [33] Arbab I. Arbab and A.-M. M. Abdel Rahman, Nonsingular viscous universe with decaying vacuum energy, Nouvo Cimento, V.111B, 693, 1996. [34] Arbab I. Arbab and A.-M. Abdel Rahman, Nonsingular cosmology with a time dependent cosmological term, Phys. Rev. D50, 7725, 1994. Workshops and Conferences attend/contributed to: [1] Visiting consultant at Sultan Qaboos University, 31 January -27 May, 2009, Muscat, Oman. [2] Application of fluid mechanics in Astrophysics, 16 September-15 November, 2007, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [3] CTP Symposium on Super symmetry at LHC: Theoretical and Experimental Prospective, 11- 14 March 2007, Cairo, Egypt. [4] International symposium in Earth gravity fields, 24 August-1 September, 2006, Istanbul, Turkey. [5] Workshop on Geometry and Topology, 14 July- 8 September, 2005, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [6] Summer School in high energy physics, 18 July- 9 September, 2003, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [7] Fifth RESCU international symposium on new trends in theoretical and observational cosmology, 13-16 November 2001, Tokyo, Japan [8] Fifth international conference on gravitation and astrophysics of Asians-Pacific countries, 1-7 October 2001, Moscow, Russia. [9] Summer School in high energy physics, 18 June- 9 July, 2001, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [10] Cairo international conference on high energy physics, 8-14 January 2001, Cairo, Egypt. [11] UN/ESA workshop on basic space science, 23-30 June 2000, Toulouse, France. [12] Summer School in high energy physics, 1999, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [13] Summer School in high energy physics, 1998, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [14] Summer School in high energy physics, 1995, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [15] Summer School in high energy physics, 1994, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [16] Summer School in high energy physics, 1993, ICTP, Trieste, Italy. [17] Workshop on problem of teaching physics at Sudanese secondary schools, 1989, Khartoum, Sudan. [18] Nile Winter college in high energy physics, 1989, Khartoum, Sudan. Membership of Academic Societies: [1] Individual member of the Italian physical society, 2009 [2] Member of the European Physical Society, 2004, France. [3] Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2003, UK. [4] Member of the Institute of Physics (IOP), 2002, UK. [5] Charted Physicist of the Institute of Physics, 2002, UK. [6] Junior Associate of the International Center for Theoretical physics (ICTP), 1998, Italy. [7] Regular Associate of the International Center for Theoretical physics (ICTP), 1998, Italy. [8] Associate member of the International Society for the Study of Origin of Life (ISSOL), 1999, USA. [9] Member of the Sudanese Physical Society, 2006, Sudan. Editorial Experience: [1] Reviewer of the Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2007, France. [2] Reviewer of the Fizika A & B, 2007, Croatia. [3] Member of the Editorial Board of the Electronic J. of Theoretical Physics, 2005, UAE. [4] Associate Editor and co-founder of the African Physical Review, 2005, Italy. [5] Member of the Editorial Board of the African J. of Mathematical Physics, 2001, Morocco. [6] Reviewer in Astrophysics and Space Science, 2001, the Netherlands. [7] Reviewer in International J. of Theoretical Physics, 2007, USA. [8] Review in General Relativity and Gravitational, 1997, USA. [9] Reviewer in Symmetry in Physics, 2006, France. [10] Reviewer in Proceeding of the Pakistan Academy of Science, 2009, Pakistan. Awards and Prizes [1] University of Khartoum Prize in Physics, 1989. [2] Third World Academy of Science Prize in Mathematics for young scientists, Sudan Institute for Natural Sciences, 2002. Published Textbooks: [1] Ordinary differential equations, 2001, Alkhandag Printing Company, Sudan. [2] Quantum mechanics, 2004, Dar Alrushd Company, Saudi Arabia. [3] Introduction to quantum mechanics, 2006, Al Dar Alalamyia lilnashr, Saudi Arabia. [4] General Physics, 2006, Al Dar Alalamyia lilnashr, Saudi Arabia. [5] Calculus, Sudan Open University Press, 2005. Academic Experiences: [1] Assistant Professor, University of Khartoum, Department of Physics, 1997-2000. [2] Assistant Professor, Omdurman Ahilia University, Department of Physics, 1999-2002. [3] Associate Professor, Comboni College for Computer Science, 2001-2002. [4] College of Education, Department of Physics, King Saud University, 2002-2006. [5] Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Mathematics 1996-1997. [6] Teaching Assistant, Department of Physics, University of Khartoum, 1993-1997. Courses Taught: [1] General Physics [2] Mechanics [3] Sound [4] Quantum Mechanics [5] Theory of Relativity [6] Statistical Physics [7] Advanced Calculus [8] Mathematical Methods: Differential Equations, Transforms Integrals, Complex Variables [9] Modern Physics [10] Electricity and Magnetism [11] Optics [12] Fluid Mechanics
Favourite Publications: newsletter, popular magazine, research-related journals

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