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Founding Member
Location: Morocco
Work: teaching/research Food microbiology Food safety Food preservation
Biographical: Family name: Benkerroum First names: Noreddine Date of birth: 01-01-1959 Nationality: Moroccan Civil status: Married (two children) Education: Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Oregon State University (1986-1992) Ph.D Food Microbiology Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire (IAV) (1977-1983) Engineer Agronomic (Major in Food Technology)* Lycée Sidi Aisa (Morocco) (1975-1977) High school graduation in Experimental Sciences * Includes a three-years period spécialisation at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires (ENSIAA ; Paris, France) : 1980-1982 Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to Language Reading Speaking Writing Arabic Fluent fluent fluent French Fluent fluent fluent English Fluent fluent fluent Membership of professional bodies: • Moroccan Society for Microbiology Sociéty (SMM) : Since 1984 • Biotechnology Association for Sustainable Development: 2010 (founding member) Association of Moroccan Agronomy engineers Moroccan association of Food Technology Engineers Present position: • Professor at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition in the IAV Hassan II (Rabat) • Freelance consultant. Key qualifications: - Nearly 25 years working experience in food microbiology analysis and teaching and also in food safety research. - Head of Food Microbiology laboratory at the IAV Hassan II (23 faculty and 8 technicians). The research work carried out is focused on detection and control of the pathogen of major concern to food safety including Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. - Sound experience in bacterial pathogens detection in foods (development of techniques and culture media). - Consulting in food technology and food security for international and regional organizations including Food Agricultural organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), European Union and Arab Organization of Agricultural Development (AOAD) in addition to local food industries. - Training activities for institutional (Ministry of Agriculture, National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research) and educational facilities (IAV Hassan II). - Knowledge of laboratory accreditation acquired through the development of projects with national institutes (public and private food industries), international donor agencies such as FAO, PNUE and the EC., and local food industries - Assessment of the lab performance in terms of Lab best practices to help local food industries implement quality insurance program by practicing self control - Acquaintance with the European Union (EU) regulations on food safety; - Development of Standard Operational Procedures as a part of my research/teaching activities and through consultations in local food industries. - Organization of training sessions in food industry on microbiological quality assessment of food (including water) in relation to European standards, laboratory equipment and management for microbiological analysis and cleaning/sanitizing Ad-hoc reviewer for scientific journals Journal of Applied Microbiology Letters in Applied Microbiology Meat Science Journal of Food Science Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Journal of Dairy Research Le Lait International Journal of Dairy Technology Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Publications in leading scientific journals in food science and technology, and book chapter contributions
Favourite Publications: Applied and environmental microbiology Journal of food protection Journal of applied microbiology Journal of dairy science Internantional journal of dairy technology Meat science
Work: teaching/research Food microbiology Food safety Food preservation
Biographical: Family name: Benkerroum First names: Noreddine Date of birth: 01-01-1959 Nationality: Moroccan Civil status: Married (two children) Education: Institution Degree(s) or Diploma(s) obtained: Oregon State University (1986-1992) Ph.D Food Microbiology Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire (IAV) (1977-1983) Engineer Agronomic (Major in Food Technology)* Lycée Sidi Aisa (Morocco) (1975-1977) High school graduation in Experimental Sciences * Includes a three-years period spécialisation at Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Agricoles et Alimentaires (ENSIAA ; Paris, France) : 1980-1982 Language skills: Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to Language Reading Speaking Writing Arabic Fluent fluent fluent French Fluent fluent fluent English Fluent fluent fluent Membership of professional bodies: • Moroccan Society for Microbiology Sociéty (SMM) : Since 1984 • Biotechnology Association for Sustainable Development: 2010 (founding member) Association of Moroccan Agronomy engineers Moroccan association of Food Technology Engineers Present position: • Professor at the Department of Food Science and Nutrition in the IAV Hassan II (Rabat) • Freelance consultant. Key qualifications: - Nearly 25 years working experience in food microbiology analysis and teaching and also in food safety research. - Head of Food Microbiology laboratory at the IAV Hassan II (23 faculty and 8 technicians). The research work carried out is focused on detection and control of the pathogen of major concern to food safety including Listeria monocytogenes, Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella spp. - Sound experience in bacterial pathogens detection in foods (development of techniques and culture media). - Consulting in food technology and food security for international and regional organizations including Food Agricultural organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP), European Union and Arab Organization of Agricultural Development (AOAD) in addition to local food industries. - Training activities for institutional (Ministry of Agriculture, National Centre for Scientific and Technical Research) and educational facilities (IAV Hassan II). - Knowledge of laboratory accreditation acquired through the development of projects with national institutes (public and private food industries), international donor agencies such as FAO, PNUE and the EC., and local food industries - Assessment of the lab performance in terms of Lab best practices to help local food industries implement quality insurance program by practicing self control - Acquaintance with the European Union (EU) regulations on food safety; - Development of Standard Operational Procedures as a part of my research/teaching activities and through consultations in local food industries. - Organization of training sessions in food industry on microbiological quality assessment of food (including water) in relation to European standards, laboratory equipment and management for microbiological analysis and cleaning/sanitizing Ad-hoc reviewer for scientific journals Journal of Applied Microbiology Letters in Applied Microbiology Meat Science Journal of Food Science Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture Journal of Dairy Research Le Lait International Journal of Dairy Technology Food Science and Technology International Journal of Food Composition and Analysis Publications in leading scientific journals in food science and technology, and book chapter contributions
Favourite Publications: Applied and environmental microbiology Journal of food protection Journal of applied microbiology Journal of dairy science Internantional journal of dairy technology Meat science