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Research Cooperative
11/04/20 11:13:56PM @chief-admin:

I wonder if loans are available for graduate students who must pay author page charges to have research published in a high ranked journal?

Journals sometimes waive fees for authors from certain countries, but not always. Publishing costs are often a limiting factor for where authors can get their work published, not just the quality of the research and the writing.

Research grants sometimes include some funding for publishing costs. I suppose that most often it is senior co-authors who cover costs, rather than student authors, but in many situations the costs for publishing in the most desired journal may be too much for senior authors as well. Good journals do have real costs that need to be covered.

I have never heard of authors borrowing from banks to fund their publications, but for really good work, the potential benefits in terms of creating job opportunities might make the investment worthwhile.

If anyone has any experiences related to the above matters, please post a reply!


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