Fernando Ramos

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Location: Aveiro, Portugal
Work: Communication Sciences and Technologies; eLearning and Distance Learning- Methodologies, technologies and management; Organization and management of PhD programs; ICT as driving force for new approaches to Higher Education; International cooperation for development in Higher Education.
Biographical: Full Professor at the Department of Communication and Art of the University of Aveiro, Portugal; Former Head of the Departments of Communication and Art and of Electronics and Telecommunications; Former Director of the Centre for Multimedia and Distance Learning; Head of the Board of UNAVE (interface unit for Life Long Learning); Adviser, external consultant and evaluator of several intl scientific journals, conferences and boards (incl. European Union Commission).
Favourite Publications: Distance learning Intl Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning Internet and Higher Education Communication Research Computers in Education PRISMA.com

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Research Cooperative
11/01/13 11:21:51AM @chief-admin:

Dear Professor Ramos,

Thanks very much joining!

I would be very grateful if you can see and perhaps join (as a founding member) our focus-group page for Portugal: Research Co-op Portugal

For the focus group to actually develop and become active, we will need members from Portugal who are interested in issues related to science communication in Portugese and/or other languages.

I would also be grateful if you can find or recommend someone who might like to manage the Portugal group page, at any time. This would perhaps be a good experimental project for a student in communication research. If you are interested in supporting such a project, I can offer to give help from my side as network creator and administrator.

Best regards, Peter (Admin., Kyoto)


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