Gholamabba Sayyad

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Location: Ahvaz, Khuzestan province, Iran
Work: Modeling of contaminant transport through the soil. Soil-Atmosphere-plant relationships Soil Degradation
Biographical: Department of Soil Science, College of Agriculture, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran. English is for working languages. Qualifications: 1-Excellent background and professional experience in the field of Numerical Modeling of Water Flow and Solute. 2- Research experience in modelling microorganism fate and fransport in porous media. 3- Research experience in modeling transport processes with Various Equilibrium and Non-equilibrium Solutes in Variably Saturated Porous Media 4- Experience with GIS software ArcView and geostatistical methods (IK Kriging, Ordinary Kriging, standard interpolation methods) 5- Professional experiences with water and solute transport softwares including HYDRUS-1D, MACRO, CXTFIT, and LEACHN. 6-Excellent background and professional experience in the fields of Fuzzy logic application and artifical neural networks 7-Experiences with computer languages including MATLAB and 8-Professional experinces with statistical softwares including SAS, SPSS, MSTATC. 9- Education: -Doctorate Degree in Soil Science (branch: Soil Physics) 9/1999-6/2006 University Name: Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan-Iran -Master Degree in Soil Science 9/1995-6/1998 University Name Tarbiat Modares Universtiy Tehran-Iran -Bachelor's Degree Soil Science 9/1991-6/1995 University Name Isfahan University of Technology Isfahan-Iran -Pre-University Certificate - month/year- month/year Pre-University Name - city-country -High School Diploma Empirical Science 9/1984-6/1988 High School Name Doctor Ali Shariati Ahvaz-Iran Work Experience: 1-Assistant Professor 5/2006-present Company name Shahid Chamran Unviersity of Ahvaz Ahvaz-Iran
Favourite Publications: Geoderma Soil and Sediment Contamiantion jouranl Journal of Hydrology Soil Science

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