Melissa Ceuterick (PhD)

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Location: Belgium
Work: ethnobotany-medical anthropology

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Dr.Narendra Patel
10/01/11 10:57:11PM @drnarendra-patel:

please visit open access e journal


held international congress

Research Cooperative
16/04/10 09:24:01PM @chief-admin:
Dear Dr Ceuterick,I have created a group for "Health and Medicine" inside the Research Cooperative. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please see here: Thanks, Peter
Jose Manuel Durana2
24/07/09 12:37:46AM @jose-manuel-durana2:
Mais au Mxique il y a des choses, des situations trs intresants par rapport cette suject
Jose Manuel Durana2
24/07/09 12:35:30AM @jose-manuel-durana2:
Bonjour Melissa...Je sais vous n'tes pas une chaman, c'tait une blague...pardon. Le chaman en Europe est vecu il y a 2.000 ans. Maintenant nous sommes des scientifics, mais c'est trs intresant pour moi que j'aime la medicine naturiste, homeopathic...Je crois que la nature a les moyens pour gurir ntres maladies, il faut les chercher.
Jose Manuel Durana2
22/07/09 10:48:18PM @jose-manuel-durana2:
Hi Melissa,I have some questions to propose,Do you work on the ethnobotany-medical anthropology, I mind, It is the same than the Chaman does in the tribu..?Do you work in Belgium, on what kind of plants, european plants...?I think it is beautifull and interesting for the people health..I am from Basque Country.Spain, but I live in South of Mxico and here I know some people who look for the plants...


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