M.Najib Zaghloul

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Location: Morocco-Tangier
Work: Earth Sciences
Biographical: contact info: zaghloul@geologist.com working languages: English-French Translation: English to French *************************************************** SHORT CV ********* Name: ZAGHLOUL First Name: MOHAMED NAJIB December 9, 1962 Home Tel: 212 539 32 14 51 Cell: +212 668 088 280 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +212 668 088 280      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +212 668 088 280      end_of_the_skype_highlighting UNIVERSITY ABDELMALEK Essaadi Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Earth Sciences B.P 416, Tangier - Morocco Tel: +212 539 39 39 54 / 55 Fax: +212 539 39 39 53 E-mail 1: zaghloul@geologist.com E-mail 2: mohamednajib.zaghloul @gmail.com I-CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Tangier Subjects taught: Geology I: Solar system and metamorphic, magmatic and sedimentary rocks Geology II: Sedimentology & Petrography Geology III: Geological mapping Current Research Interests: Structural Geology, Sedimentology and sedimentary petrography. Geological mapping II-EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS • Full Professor since October 2006 • associate Professor since October 2002 • Assistant Professor since October 2001 • Lecturer at the Department of Science Teaching at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Tangier (Morocco) from Earth in October 1996, • 2002: PhD Thesis (Thèse D'Etat Es-Sciences): Earth Sciences(option: Geodynamics of sedimentary basins) Title: "siliciclastic sedimentation Oligo-Miocene-type flysch" in the Rif, 1 Morocco ("Flysch Basin" and "Zones internal): evolution and correlation to the scale of the Maghrebide chains "University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculty of Sciences-Tétouan. • 1994: Magisterial Diploma of Higher Studies in Geological Sciences (Option: Structural Geology). Title: " Northern Federico Units (Internal Rif, Morocco): Inventory of deformation and geodynamic setting in the Betic-Rif chain. Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences - Rabat. • 1988: Master of Structural Geology, University Mohammed V; Faculty of Sciences-Rabat 1987: BSC in Geology, Faculty of Sciences Tétouan 1985: Degree in Biology-Geology, Faculty of Sciences Tétouan III-SKILLS • Geodynamics of basement and cover (structural analysis, and faulting Macrotectonique , microtectonics and tectonophysics) • Geological mapping • Analysis of sedimentary sequences • Sedimentary Petrology and Geochemistry Awards: Honorable award ofexcellence by University AbdelMalek Essaadi 2010- Morocco
Favourite Publications: P. DE CAPOA , A. DI STASO, V. PERRONE, M.N. ZAGHLOUL* (2007) :The age of the foredeep sedimentation in the Betic-Rifian Mauretanian Units: a major constraint for the reconstruction of the tectonic evolution of the Gibraltar Arc. C.R. Géosciences. 339, 2, 161-170. CRITELLI S., MONGELLI G., PERRI F., MARTÍN-ALGARRA A., MARTÍN-MARTÍN M., PERRONE V., DOMINICI R., SONNINO M. & ZAGHLOUL M.N. (2008): Compositional and Geochemical Signatures for the Sedimentary Evolution of the Middle Triassic–Lower Jurassic Continental Redbeds from Western-Central Mediterranean Alpine Chains. The Journal of Geology, 2008, volume 116, p. 375–386 Perrone V., Martín-Algarra A., Critelli S., Decandia F.A., D’Errico M., Estévez A., Iannace A., Lazzarotto A., Martín- Martín M., Martín-Rojas I., Mazzoli S., Messina A., Mongelli G., Vitale S., Zaghloul M.N., “Verrucano” and “Pseudoverrucano” in the central-western Mediterranean Alpine chains: palaegeographical evolution and geodynamic significance, in: Chalouan A., Moratti G. (Eds.), Tectonics of the Western Mediterranean and North Africa, Geological Society London Special Publications 262, London, 2006, pp. 1-43. M.N. ZAGHLOUL*; S. CRITELLI, MONGELLI G., PERRONE V., SONNINO M., AIELLO M., PERRI F., & VENTIMIGLIA C. (2008): Depositional systems, composition and geochemistry of Triassic rifted-continental margin redbeds of Internal Rif Chain, Morocco Sedimentology, Volume 57 Issue 2, Pages 312 - 350
