M.Najib Zaghloul

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Location: Morocco-Tangier
Work: Earth Sciences
Biographical: contact info: zaghloul@geologist.com working languages: English-French Translation: English to French *************************************************** SHORT CV ********* Name: ZAGHLOUL First Name: MOHAMED NAJIB December 9, 1962 Home Tel: 212 539 32 14 51 Cell: +212 668 088 280 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +212 668 088 280      end_of_the_skype_highlighting begin_of_the_skype_highlighting              +212 668 088 280      end_of_the_skype_highlighting UNIVERSITY ABDELMALEK Essaadi Faculty of Science and Technology Department of Earth Sciences B.P 416, Tangier - Morocco Tel: +212 539 39 39 54 / 55 Fax: +212 539 39 39 53 E-mail 1: zaghloul@geologist.com E-mail 2: mohamednajib.zaghloul @gmail.com I-CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Senior Lecturer at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Tangier Subjects taught: Geology I: Solar system and metamorphic, magmatic and sedimentary rocks Geology II: Sedimentology & Petrography Geology III: Geological mapping Current Research Interests: Structural Geology, Sedimentology and sedimentary petrography. Geological mapping II-EDUCATION & QUALIFICATIONS • Full Professor since October 2006 • associate Professor since October 2002 • Assistant Professor since October 2001 • Lecturer at the Department of Science Teaching at the Faculty of Science and Technology of Tangier (Morocco) from Earth in October 1996, • 2002: PhD Thesis (Thèse D'Etat Es-Sciences): Earth Sciences(option: Geodynamics of sedimentary basins) Title: "siliciclastic sedimentation Oligo-Miocene-type flysch" in the Rif, 1 Morocco ("Flysch Basin" and "Zones internal): evolution and correlation to the scale of the Maghrebide chains "University Abdelmalek Essaâdi, Faculty of Sciences-Tétouan. • 1994: Magisterial Diploma of Higher Studies in Geological Sciences (Option: Structural Geology). Title: " Northern Federico Units (Internal Rif, Morocco): Inventory of deformation and geodynamic setting in the Betic-Rif chain. Mohammed V University, Faculty of Sciences - Rabat. • 1988: Master of Structural Geology, University Mohammed V; Faculty of Sciences-Rabat 1987: BSC in Geology, Faculty of Sciences Tétouan 1985: Degree in Biology-Geology, Faculty of Sciences Tétouan III-SKILLS • Geodynamics of basement and cover (structural analysis, and faulting Macrotectonique , microtectonics and tectonophysics) • Geological mapping • Analysis of sedimentary sequences • Sedimentary Petrology and Geochemistry Awards: Honorable award ofexcellence by University AbdelMalek Essaadi 2010- Morocco
Favourite Publications: P. DE CAPOA , A. DI STASO, V. PERRONE, M.N. ZAGHLOUL* (2007) :The age of the foredeep sedimentation in the Betic-Rifian Mauretanian Units: a major constraint for the reconstruction of the tectonic evolution of the Gibraltar Arc. C.R. Géosciences. 339, 2, 161-170. CRITELLI S., MONGELLI G., PERRI F., MARTÍN-ALGARRA A., MARTÍN-MARTÍN M., PERRONE V., DOMINICI R., SONNINO M. & ZAGHLOUL M.N. (2008): Compositional and Geochemical Signatures for the Sedimentary Evolution of the Middle Triassic–Lower Jurassic Continental Redbeds from Western-Central Mediterranean Alpine Chains. The Journal of Geology, 2008, volume 116, p. 375–386 Perrone V., Martín-Algarra A., Critelli S., Decandia F.A., D’Errico M., Estévez A., Iannace A., Lazzarotto A., Martín- Martín M., Martín-Rojas I., Mazzoli S., Messina A., Mongelli G., Vitale S., Zaghloul M.N., “Verrucano” and “Pseudoverrucano” in the central-western Mediterranean Alpine chains: palaegeographical evolution and geodynamic significance, in: Chalouan A., Moratti G. (Eds.), Tectonics of the Western Mediterranean and North Africa, Geological Society London Special Publications 262, London, 2006, pp. 1-43. M.N. ZAGHLOUL*; S. CRITELLI, MONGELLI G., PERRONE V., SONNINO M., AIELLO M., PERRI F., & VENTIMIGLIA C. (2008): Depositional systems, composition and geochemistry of Triassic rifted-continental margin redbeds of Internal Rif Chain, Morocco Sedimentology, Volume 57 Issue 2, Pages 312 - 350

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Research Cooperative
12/06/10 10:05:10PM @chief-admin:
Dear Dr Zaghloul,If you would like to find an expert volunteer to read a draft research paper, I strongly encourage you to (1) outline the subject and aims of your paper, (2) the intended target audience or publication, and (3) any time constraints you face (if any) in an open request for a volunteer in our forum for editing requests .There should be no reluctance to seek colleagues to review a paper before it is published.In my view, offering volunteer help, and accepting suitable requests, is a moral and social obligation of all researchers who are employed by public organisations, in any country, and any discipline.The reality may be that in some countries, and some disciplines, such mutual help is not common.If so, then the Research Cooperative does face an uphill battle to expand the culture of mutual support among researchers around the world. But no matter how difficult this may be, expanding the culture of mutual trust and support has been a primary goal for me personally, through the Research Cooperative.This reply is not just for you, but for all members of the Research Cooperative. I am planning to post a version of this reply on my Co-op blog page.Thanks very much for your participation in the Research Cooperative.Yours sincerely,Dr Peter J. Matthews, Kyoto (Network Creator and Admin., Research Cooperative)
Karolina Cywka
12/06/10 07:04:28AM @karolina-cywka:
yes sure why not


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