Omar Inacio Benedetti Santos

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Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
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Founding Member

Location: Sapucaia do Sul,RS,Brazil
Work: Economy of Energy,Biofuels,Risk Analisys, Matemathical Modelling
Favourite Publications: Energy, Energy Policy,Science,Scientifican America, Biomass and Bioenergy,European Journal of Operational Research

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Research Cooperative
31/10/11 11:47:44AM @chief-admin:

Dear Omar,

Here is another group you might like to join - please send a message on the group page and introduce yourself directly to other group members!

Thanks, Peter

Research Cooperative
19/02/10 08:28:24AM @chief-admin:
Dear Omar,Thanks for your encouraging comment.This morning I added a new request on behalf of the Research Cooperative here: I am looking for people who can volunteer to approach publishers on behalf the Research Cooperative. I cannot expect a rush of enthusiastic responses, but maybe a few people will look at the idea, over time.Best regards, Peter


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