Rhett Butler

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Location: Menlo Park
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Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
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Founding Member

Location: California
Work: Conservation and the environment
Biographical: I can use volunteer help translating from English to other languages (all languages) for mongabay.com http://www.mongabay.com/help.html

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Research Cooperative
24/04/10 06:39:14PM @chief-admin:
Dear Rhett,I have made a new group for "Translators" inside the Research Cooperative. If you would like to look (and perhaps join), please see here: This group is not restricted to translators; it is also open to people who want to work with translators.Thanks, Peter (Admin., The Research Cooperative)
Research Cooperative
09/11/08 02:59:03AM @chief-admin:
Dear Rhett,Thanks very much for joining.I found your page explaining your translation project ( rainforest pages for kids, in many languages ).Please make your request using our forum for translation requests. For best effect, you might like to do this repeatedly over time, for individual languages, according to your translation priorities, which must also vary over time.In any case, if you mention specific languages in a direct request, then people who are interested in those languages, as editors or translators, will be able to find your request more easily when they do a keyword search through our forums.Also, I expect that you will also need volunteer editors to check the translations you have been given.What you are doing is great, and I hope you can eventually find help through the Research Cooperative.Yours sincerely,Peter Matthews (for the Cooperative)


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