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Founding Member
Location: Japan
Work: Research Cooperative admin assistant. Writer. Editor.
Biographical: New Zealander assisting with the Research Cooperative. Education: University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington Personal interests include literature, politics, music.
Work: Research Cooperative admin assistant. Writer. Editor.
Biographical: New Zealander assisting with the Research Cooperative. Education: University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington Personal interests include literature, politics, music.
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(Cross-posted from 'Inviters and...
@Sam Bradford (Admin) 11 years ago - Comments: 0
Hi Sam,
Thank you for the warm welcome. It seems this site can really be helpful in improving my writing, and make them more publishable. But that is for the short term, for the long term, I am very interested in the idea of research collaboration and hope to take part in collective projects.
All the best,
In January 2014, at my request, Sam began to help me with administration work for the Research Cooperative (part-time).
Questions about his role, and suggestions for tasks that he might like to carry out, can be sent to him, or me, or both of us.
Thanks, Peter Matthews (Admin., Auckland and Kyoto).