Syed Abul Farah

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Location: Bangladesh
Work interests: Humanitarian Response
Preferred contact method: Reply to post in blog/forum/group
Preferred contact language(s): English
Favourite publications: (a) Parenting in coastal disaster prone areas. (b) Youth participation in climate change adaptation in coastal areas. (c) Religious leaders participation to prevent pandemic in fragile setup.

Humanitarian Response Work

Career Objective: To gain professional skills in the field of humanitarian response project implementation, advocacy, and networking on development issues including ECCD, child protection, WaSH, climate change & DRR, finance management, and through work, honesty, and perseverance. 

Worked for: (a). Humanitarian response- community-based protection in camps, (b). Community-led Parenting, Early Childhood Care, Pre-school (c) Inclusive Primary Education (d). Child protection awareness (e). Safety and disaster preparedness (f). Trafficking prevention, (g). Safe Water,...

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Volunteering in Refugee Camp

According to the UN High...
@syed.farah 3 years ago - Comments: 1

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23/10/21 05:52:45PM @syedfarah:

Humanitarian negotiation is defined as a set of interactions between humanitarian organizations and parties to an armed conflict, as well as other relevant actors, aimed at establishing and maintaining the presence of these organizations in conflict environments, ensuring access to vulnerable groups, and facilitating the delivery of assistance and protection activities. Negotiations may involve both state and non-state actors. They include a relational component focused on building trust with the counterparts over time and a transactional component focused on determining and agreeing on the specific terms and logistics of humanitarian operations.


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