All Groups Index
Welcome to Groups
Search for groups using keywords here or use the groups tag cloud . Any visitor can visit groups, but please join our network to join a group (see "Create account" button above). After login as a Research Cooperative member, joining any group is easy: Use the " Join Group " button at the top of every Group page. New groups can be proposed by any member (please contact Admin: pjm [at] researchcooperative.org). The pages provided for different groups have different functions enabled, depending on the purpose of each group.
The Podium (an open group for all members)
NOTE: following the links are mostly inactive while we gradually reorganize the site (July 2022)
Country groups - Meet people in a country focus group. Highlighted groups:
Research Co-op Aotearoa NZ Research Co-op Brazil
City focus groups - to help start or manage a group for a particular city, please post a proposal on the Podium Topic - Meet people with related interests. Our most popular focus groups are here.
University - Meet people in the university focus group of your choice.
University focus groups - if you would like to help start or manage a group for a particular university, please post a proposal on the Podium Language - Focus groups for languages other than English.
Service communities - Meet authors, editors & proofreaders, translators, illustrators, publishers, and others.
Publishing - focus groups for practical aspects of scientific and educational publishing, production and copyright.
Research Co-op bloggers - for members who blog or read blogs.
Research Co-op support - Research Cooperative Review, Tips for Networking, Topical Notes, Volunteers, International Board of Advisors, and other activities related to development and operation of our network.
This sign made sense in a Kyoto subway.
Here it means "look left at the links!"
Looking for an editor, translator, illustrator, or other service?