Our network search functions are working again - seek and ye shall find!
For a long time I was not happy with the search functions on our network. With help from the Jamroom system team, we've got the issue fixed. I'll...
@Research Cooperative started 3 years ago - replies: 0
Inviting members for interview (for Research Cooperative)
In order to give members further opportunities to explain their work and interests, I would like to interview members - through email - for our...
@Research Cooperative started 6 years ago - replies: 1
My new open access online journal and its start-up problems :)
Dear friends and colleagues, this month I started my own peer-reviewed online open access journal, the Journal of Technological and Space...
@Johannes Gruenwald started 6 years ago - replies: 2
Office safety in Japan
Here in Japan, we are always warned to have bookshelves properly attached to walls so they don't fall down during an earthquake. On Monday...
@Research Cooperative started 6 years ago - replies: 1
Research Ethics and Integrity - a new focus group created
A new page for a focus group on research ethics and integrity has been created:...
@Research Cooperative started 6 years ago - replies: 0
Usage patterns at the Research Cooperative
As Administrator of the Research Cooperative, I am trying to grasp what works best for everyone who joins. Although I have no way to prove this, I...
@Research Cooperative started 6 years ago - replies: 0
What is a university?
This question was raised earlier this week, in the April 2, 2018, edition of The Japan Times, in an article by Haruaki Deguchi. The author is the...
@Research Cooperative started 6 years ago - replies: 0
Chasing tags across profiles is fun...
In our network, many member profiles have tags, so a fun way to explore the network is to: (1) choose one member's profile page as a starting...
@Research Cooperative started 7 years ago - replies: 0